As I lay curled up in my owners lap something glittery catches my attention. Bright and shiny...I am intrigued..and want to check it out,curiousity seems to be getting the better of me...what do I do.....should I check it out and leave the comfort of a warm spot...or should I ignore it and remain comfortable? Unknown
- 17 years, 26 days ago
Like a drowned rat I travelled in the rain and wind searching for a warm spot to sleep. some walked by and snickered at the sight of my beauty challenged by the elements but then a handsome stranger reached out a large hand a scooped my fragile frame and held me close to his heart protecting me from the moisture.......I purred and snuggled in...this was safe...this was nice meow meow Unknown
- 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago