Remember the sleepless nights
Calling each other so we can just hear each others voices
Remember the countless smiles
Yearning for each others attention
Never have I forgot that sweet feeling
Nor the lies you fed me
Never will I let myself fall in the same trap
Or adore someone as much as I did with you
You are the reason of my tears
And countless nights of thinking
You were the one that made me laugh like no other
Then shed tears I never knew I had
Please don’t act like you care
Because the value of your lies, are starting to fade
Please don’t pretend I mean something to you
When you and I both know, its too late
I vowed to myself, never to let you back into my heart
And that I could never keep
I vowed to never make the same mistakes again
But your sweet words, melted me within moments
Being close to you and knowing the existence of our friendship
Is enough for me.
Being near you and knowing you’re happy
Is all I really ask for, even if its in another girls embrace.
Knowing I’m not the reason that you smile
Truly does break me
Knowing that at least one of us is happy is all I really wanted
Even if its not me.
Maybe its time to give up
And go our separate ways
Maybe its time I let you go
And this time, nothings going to bring me back to you
Unknown "Cassie" Uncertain
- 16 years, 6 months, 29 days ago