well if you think that i trust that story, well, then, you must have a screw loose, i don't really trust much of what he says now. and i let him know that too! i told him straight out that i don't trust him and i don't trust that he doesn't have a motive for wanting to call me. i told him that i really think he's just being all chummy again so he can get into my pants. and he doesn't know how to take that, he understands why i don't trust him, but he wishes i would alil'
yeah, he's alil' more open, and i got him to say why he cared and the truth was he had absolutely no idea why. and like, if he had said that in the first place instead of him alluding to a reason then it would of been ok, and apparently he lied about the other girl, just to be a jerk. *sighs* he's a pain lol. happy to have him back in my life though.