有一條線 牽引著彼此
無法定義的線 早該斷了 還是趁早打個結 死了心也罷
像手心裡不斷的掌紋 看似清晰卻著實隱藏著玄機
無法斷定 無法定義 無法忽視那隨之起伏的心
無動於衷與大而化之而不明情感 哪個更該受到譴責呢
我想~若能不去在意 就也無所謂了吧....
Tina is the best in TLW!!!
Tina: (typing an apology to Jodi on Bette's Blackberry) "Dear Jodi. When I am scared, I micromanage. When I am uncertain, I overstate. And when I am challenged, I", uh, "belittle and... lash out." (sighs and glances at Bette) "And when I love someone, I try to put her in a box."
I totally understand how she feels...
What if "Top girl" Emo
- 16 years, 4 months, 16 days ago