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Unknown's tales
The Best Way for Revenge:

Once upon a time, there was this girl named Z... at least that's what people called her. She was pretty lonely for most of her life, not being able to find somebody to love but her friends and family. Eventually this one guy came along, and she just started to crush on him for a little bit. She ended up getting turned down on all of her other crushes, or turned others down because she didn't like them. So she decided to risk it and ask the guy out. He said yes, considering this girl wasn't that bad looking, she was kinda fun, and he didn't date anybody for quite a while. So, they started to go out. It was only a little while before she ended up falling inlove with the guy. But after a couple of months and a half, he broke up with her. They decided to just be friends, even though she was heartbroken. The week later, they decided to go to their friend's place, because she was having a gettogether. And he started to flirt with some random chick. Z was pretty upset. Then they saw eachother quite a bit at school, and Z was thinking "okay, why can't we just be friends?" but nothing happened between the two. She chilled with him on his birthday, and he told her that he fucked another chick, but not when they were going out, thank god. That REALLY upset Z. She was pissed and broke friendship with him, for the friendship that they apparently had in the first place. So she stopped talking to him, ignored him, etc. Then one day, she saw her friend and her ex in this one room, and started to talk to her friend, but then eventually talked to her ex. That night, her ex unblocked her and they started to talk again. They didn't really hang at all, but she still had feelings for him, but hey she did fall inlove. Then they actually did become friends, yet he was a manwhore, and everybody starte dto like the "new" him, while others hated it. And as the story goes on, he keeps on breaking her heart, but he's an ass, so yeah. Haha.
So the best ways for revenge...... that would be a complete other story.. muahahaha.
Unknown "♥Ashleykins" Emo - 17 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
Have fun reading this story, since it's long and I didn't enter anything =)

Once upon a time, there lived 3 people, Ashley, Maddie and Kevin. They decided to go beaveroose hunting in the forest. Ashley brought a shotgun, Maddie brought a butcher's knife, and Kevin brought... wtf? A slingshot... a slingshot for a beaveroose!? Okay then... anyways, they were going through the forest, and they came upon a house, a house made of cookies and persians. Now that was the life. They ran up to the house and started to eat it, but some fat man dressed in red and white came out of the house with 2 short kids, dressed in green with red eyes. "Are you eating my house!?" he said with anger. Ashley and Maddie were too afraid to say anything, so they pushed Kevin infront of the fatman and ran for their lives. At the end of the yellow brick road, they saw a bright green building, called "The Rocketship Maker"... and as the rat, being Maddie's favourite animal, she decided to make a rat rocketship. Ashley didn't even get hers started, by the time Maddie was done, (enjoying every second of making it), and some man came out of the building, dressed in a long white robe, wearing socks with sandles and had long brown hair, including a beard looked at them strangly. "I'm Jesus. What can I do for you today?" Ashley, being athiest and terrifed, pushed Maddie infront of Jesus and ran away. So Ashley ran as far as she could, and she ended up in a dark place, with a mountain with a bright red eye on the top. The she felt somebody petting her hair saying "My Precious....", she turned around and it was an overly anorexic cheerleader that lost all her hair, currently dying from aids, and thinking everybody was her precious. Yeah, Ashley went insane and jumped off a cliff into a volcano, and did a cannon ball into the lava. And well she was very confused, because she was dead, but it was still very hot. She looked beside her, and there was Kevin, with a half bitten of head, and Maddie nailed into a Nazi sign. "So, what have you two been up to?" Ashley asked. "Well," started Kevin. "Santa Clause decided to rape me up the ass, and instead of pulling my hair, he took a bite outta my head and i died." "Okay then," said Ashley. "What about you Maddie?" "Well first of all, I had to dance to Gimme More by Britney Spears, because Jesus wanted that, but then he called me a Nazi and sacrificed me to a Nazi sign, saying Britney Spears is Hitler's great great granddaughter. And well I died." "Random," Ashley said. "How about you Ashley?" they both asked her. "Well I don't know where the fuck I was. There were random creature singing Oompa Loompa Doopity Doo, or something like that, and some freakish chick pet my hair, and it scared me half to death, that I jumped of a cliff into a bunch of lava. Now I'm here..." And all they heard were claps. They look over, and see George Bush clapping about their beaveroose adventure.
Unknown "♥Ashleykins" Emo - 17 years, 3 months, 16 days ago
Okay. So there were two girls. Crazy girls that is. About 11 and 12 years old. And they LOVED Harry Potter. So one day, one of the girls were going through her games, and found a mini pool table in a box, with mini pool sticks that looked like wands. So the two girls decided to act like Harry Potter, and run around the house screaming "Avada Kedabra" to her older sister. Yeah that was the life, and based on a true story of Ashley Nahkala and Abbey Steinhoff. HP4LIFE!
Unknown "♥Ashleykins" Emo - 17 years, 3 months, 16 days ago

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Thanks babe!
You have been given you are so beautiful.
Crafted by Kenni
StableMaster "Arrroooooo!!!!" Tender - 16 years, 4 months ago
that future looks a tad scary but cool ill see you there
Unknown - 16 years, 9 months, 27 days ago
lol heres some crack? o.O did you edit this song.. what happened to the classics?
Unknown - 16 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
well that would be fun? whos that shark with his arm around you.. ill be challenging hm to a duel
Unknown - 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
and a heshe thing is better than me </3
Unknown - 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
ashleykins why are you not ever talking to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you have a new husband and such? <(oink!) omg im bored!
Unknown - 16 years, 12 months, 2 days ago
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