"Blond Vixen"Loving
- 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
wow the first to post to such a lovely soul......my kind words are as follows:
I know of many people the world over, some nicer then others, some more attractive then others, of course it is the way the world is. but in all my years of travel in all my years alive, i have never met face to face a woman as truly wondrous as you, not only is your physical beauty something many souls would desire to take a hold of and possess and be greedy to have and never to let go, but as well you have a mind, one that is used, one that thinks and shares , one i would love to dig into and get to know for what it is not what one wishes to show. I am glad to call you my friend, i am glad to be able to say i know you , and i am truly amused by how we met, that alone makes me smile. I thank you for being you, and i just wish you to know that you are appreciated, and i do so hope our friendship will flourish and grow. Happy Valentines to you this day Lynda, i do so hope you and Yours are truly happy on this blessed day.--domi
"My friend"Loyal
- 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago