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Darla | - Free online hangout and friends
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"♥wolf goddess"

Darla , 44/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:32 PM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 17 days ago
Location: Huntsville, Ontario Canada

About me:
I love animal's my favourit animal is the wolf !
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Darla's tales
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just oddes and ends i have found lol
Darla Darla Darla Darla Darla Darla Darla Darla
Darla "♥wolf goddess" Carefree - 15 years, 8 months, 4 days ago
The Original Computer!!!

This made me laugh out loud....

(So True!)

Memory was something you lost with age
An application was for employment
A program was a TV show
A cursor used profanity

A keyboard was a piano
A web was a spider's home
A virus was the flu
A CD was a bank account

A hard drive was a long trip on the road
A mouse pad was where a mouse lived

And if you had a 3.5 inch floppy.

You just hoped nobody ever found out!?

Darla Darla
Darla "♥wolf goddess" Carefree - 15 years, 8 months, 4 days ago
Amish Sex

An Amish woman and her daughter were riding in an old buggy one cold
blistery day.

The daughter said to her mother,
'My hands are freezing cold.'

The mother replied,

'Put them between your legs and your body heat will warm them up.'

The daughter did, and her hands warmed up.

The next day the daughter was riding with her boyfriend who said,

'My hands are freezing cold.'

The girl replied,

'Put them between my legs and the warmth of my body will warm them up.'

He did and warmed his hands.

The following day the boyfriend was again in the buggy with the daughter.

He said,

'My nose is cold.'

The girl replied

'Put it between my legs, the warmth of my body will warm it up.'

He did and warmed his nose.

The day after the boyfriend was again driving with the daughter, and he said,

'My penis is frozen solid.'

The next day, the daughter was driving in the buggy with her mother again,
and she asks,

'Have you ever heard of a penis?'

Concerned the mother said,

'Why yes..... why do you ask?'

The daughter replies,

'They make one hell of a mess when they defrost, don't they!!!'

Darla "♥wolf goddess" Carefree - 15 years, 8 months, 4 days ago
There was this girl and she was walking home from school when 2 boys said “Climb up that tree and i will give you $20″ then when she got home she yelled “hey momm i got $20 from 2 boys because i climbed up a tree.” “thats good honey” and she did the same thing the next day and said to her mom “i got $20 again” .you know that there only doing that to look at your nickers.
and she did it again .
“do you remember what i told you” said her mom.
Yeah i outsmarted them i took my nickers off….
Beer Troubleshooting Chart
Feet cold and wet.
Glass being held at incorrect angle.
Rotate glass so that open end points toward ceiling.
Feet warm and wet.
Improper bladder control.
Stand next to nearest dog, complain about house training.

Darla "♥wolf goddess" Carefree - 15 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
~ Adult Riddles ~

Q. What is the difference between a Drug Dealer and a Hooker?

A. A Hooker can wash her crack and sell it again.


Q. What's a mixed feeling?

A. When you see your Mother-In-Law backing off a cliff in your new car.


Q. What's the height of conceit?

A. Having an orgasm and calling out your own name.


Q. What's the definition of 'Macho'?

A. Jogging home from your vasectomy.


Q. What's the difference between a G-Spot and a golf ball?

A. A guy will actually search for a golf ball


Q. Do you know how New Zealanders practice safe sex?

A. They spray paint X's on the back of the sheep that kick!


Q.Why is divorce so expensive?

A. Because it's worth it!


Q. What is a Yankee?

A. The same as a quickie, but a Guy can do it alone.


Q. What do Tupperware and a Walrus have in common?

A. They both like a tight seal.


Q. What do a Christmas tree and a Priest have in common?

A. Their balls are just for decoration.


Q.What is the difference between 'ooooooh'and 'aaaaaaah'?

A. About three inches.


Q: What's the difference between purple and pink?

A. The grip.


Q. How do you find a Blind Man in a nudist colony?

A. It's not hard.


Q: What's the difference between a Boyfriend and a Husband?

A: 45 minutes.


Q: Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact?

A: Breasts don't have eyes.


Q: What is the difference between medium and rare?

A: Six inches is medium, eight inches is rare.

Q. Why do women rub their eyes when they get up in the morning?
A . They don't have balls to scratch!

OH, don't groan. You know darn well you're going to send this on to somebody.

Live well, laugh hard, & love dearly!

Darla "♥wolf goddess" Carefree - 15 years, 11 months, 7 days ago
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loving your funny ass gifts haha.. have a great weekend :)
♥love for your day♥ You have been given ♥love for your day♥.
Crafted by Layla Sonja
-B- "B FOREVER" Quietly living a wild life - 15 years, 5 months, 10 days ago

*Purr* Hi! You have been given *Purr* Hi!.
Crafted by VPM
___9_ "Mr Wingman" Adventurous - 15 years, 6 months, 10 days ago

wolf You have been given wolf.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown - 15 years, 6 months, 14 days ago
- :) - - -
wolf spirit strength You have been given wolf spirit strength.
Crafted by Zelron into Death
Unknown - 15 years, 6 months, 14 days ago

A Cupful Of Lღve You have been given A Cupful Of Lღve.
Crafted by Cheryl
Unknown - 15 years, 6 months, 14 days ago
Morning Darla - thank you ever so much for the fabulous gifts you have given to me - I am ever so pleased to meet one of Sher's pets - :) - - - she will be home in just 9 days!! - we are on countdown now!! - YAY!! -
Pleasure to meet you You have been given Pleasure to meet you.
Crafted by Catherine
Unknown - 15 years, 6 months, 14 days ago
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Darla's shop
Camowoman Shop

Hey welcome to my shop... I hope u fine what ur looking for ... Thanks for shopping... Please come again...

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am i self Centered or is it just
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am i self Centered or is it just
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its not P.M.S its you
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its not P.M.S its you
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I'm the person ur mother warned
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I'm the person ur mother warned
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1 of us is thinking about sex ..
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1 of us is thinking about sex ..
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