broken, lost, confused and alone
unsure of who i am and where to go
what do i do? what becomes of me?
how can i move forward when i can't even move back
friends, family, lovers can't help
if i can't help myself first
lost in a sea of toment and confusion
i try to stay afloat, yet it keeps getting harder
how much longer do i fight to stay
before the tides take me under
the blackness calls and i don't answer
but even the fire doesn't keep me warm now
hurt and still hurting, i've done wrong
betrayed and been betrayed, i've hurt those that matter
stuck in the darkness with no light to find my way
fumbling and falling over the smallest of stones
crawling on a ledge that always gets smaller
clinging to something that isn't quite there
pushing forward and i don't know why
will i ever find the light? do i even deserve to find it?
i've done more wrong and hurt then i should have
some say yes, others will say no
right or wrong, light or dark, i guess only time will truly tell
Jennifer York "Duchess of York" Playful
- 15 years, 6 months, 2 days ago