What is love?
Love is the fragile mystery that blesses the few who are worthy.
How can a person be deemed worthy?
You can't be. Love being fickle chooses one with seemingly no order. If it feels like everyone has love but you, feel content to sit by the wayside for Love may never bless you with her beautiful gifts.
What happens if you don't have the feeling of content?
If you don't have the gift of Love and you no longer feel content to wait for her gifts you may have a number of feelings all in the same grouping. You may feel despair against Love, jealousy of everyone else who has it, anger that you've been skipped - why you? - or the cursed feeling of bitterness. If your a lucky person you may feel nothing because you're too busy or you haven't been following your personal love growth.
How do you feel content if you aren't blessed?
I have no idea. Personally i've lost the content wayside feeling a long time ago and have landed in the myriad feelings of blankness. This is something evryone must figure out for themselves.
These are just a few questions that I have answered for my friend. She was searching for something and somehow with these 4 questions and answers she learned how to handle her lot of Love. Maybe it'll help some of you.
Unknown "gosh" Emo
- 17 years ago