So sleepy. Finals are soon so I might not be on for 2 weeks. *whimpers* I don't know if I can pass.No self-esteem. lol. So worried
Unknown "Miss Kitty" Neglected
- 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
I'm in class and so bored.I don't think I can pass the class though.I don't have all the papers in.AHHHHHHHHHH!!!*Runs around in circles, arms flying in the air....BAM!! Hits the wall*
Unknown "Miss Kitty" Neglected
- 16 years, 12 months ago
All I have to say is that I'm really lonely.
Unknown "Miss Kitty" Neglected
- 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
I'm at school and really bored. No one is on and the people I sit with at school are really quiet. My ex is coming today to bug me or should i say haunt me.This isn't going to be retty *starts to dig a pit of death and puts blender blades at the bottom* I'm going to practice my spartan kick.
Unknown "Miss Kitty" Neglected
- 17 years, 2 days ago
I'm so tired.And I'm drinking that doesn't help me one bit.Alcohol just makes me more tired you know.lol oh well i can still type.sleepy ZZZZZzzzzzzzzz............
Unknown "Miss Kitty" Neglected
- 17 years, 4 days ago