you know you're a bad librarian when you cut yourself... on a book.
im a school librarian, and as i was reading the amber spyglass one night, i ran my thumb over a page.. and OWWW!!!
it bled quite alot, and i was afraid my mum would see how much blood there was, so i covered my hand when i walked past her.
im such a failure as a librarian.
anyway the book in question happens to be one of three involved in a clash with the catholics, cos its anti-christ or smth. gosh. too ridiculous for words.
anyone thought about the fact that its FICTION, FANTASY? and if fiction can sway other people so easily, then they might just as easily be converted to another religion.
whenever there is a book which is openly criticising another religion, fiction or not, there would be an outcry. and many christians would actually be surprised.
are there no non-idiots left in the world? why are we wasting our time over a storybook. and the book itself is a marvellous work of imagination, and a wonderful demonstration of phillip pullman's story-telling powers.
he's a great storyteller. you dont appreciate it, or you refuse to appreciate it. its your loss. dont go around trumpeting how you think the book sucks to the world. cos you'll contaminate other people's views before they have a chance to find their own opinion.
there's something called free will, and freedom of speech.
let authors alone. they are only trying to bring us joy through the world of fiction.
Unknown "Princess Adeline" Inspired
- 17 years, 2 months, 21 days ago