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Unknown's tales
La vida constantemente da vueltas y esos problemas que en algun momento pensamos que no tenian solucion, hoy los vemos como capitulos un tanto tristes de lo que significo para nosotros alguien o algo en algun momento.... Es dificil buscar la felicidad y mas dificil aun tratar de buscarla compartiendo el camino con alguien, pero siempre vas a poder encontrar momentos muy felices al lado de personas que siempre estuvieron cerca a ti... Solo puedo darte las gracias a ti que me enseñaste que amar tambien es saber dejar ir, pero mas aun saber que el amor sincero entrega sin condiciones, sin reclamos y por sobretodo que entrega con él, el alma y el corazon en las manos y detras de ello en las miradas que alguna vez exixtieron, y en los tiempos en que fuimos uno... Ahora el tiempo ha pasado y con ello ha llegado a mi otra forma de amar y saber que podemos hacerlo con la simpleza de una mirada, con la ternura e inocencia de un niño, con la fragilidad de los sentimientos, y con el coraje de aquellos que no han tenido miedo a luchar por lo que aman...Tienes la plena seguridad que por siempre estaras en mi corazon... Te amo

Life constantly turns and these problems at some point had not think that solution, today we see them as somewhat sad chapters of what it means for us someone or something at some point .... It's hard to pursue happiness and even more difficult to seek sharing the road with someone, but you will always find time very happy next to people who were always close to you ... I can only give you thank you who taught me to know that love is also letting go, but know that even the most sincere love surrender unconditionally, without complaints and above all by delivering to him, the soul and heart in their hands and behind it looks at the ever exixtieron, and in the days when we were one ... Now the time has passed and with it has come to my other way to love and know we can do with the simplicity of a look, with tenderness and innocence of a child, with the fragility of the feelings and the courage of those who have not been afraid to fight for what we love ... You have the full security that you will be forever in my heart ... I love you

Unknown "Mistyc" Playful - 16 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
La historia es la siguiente: un dia conocí a alguien que me enamoro con el solo brillo de sus ojos, con la simple sonrisa de quien te alegra, tiempo despues eramos novios y compartimos momentos muy especiales (creo que irrepetibles), finalmente sucedieron pocas cosas feas en ambos y tristemente terminamos, no hace mucho, la cosa es que el tiempo a veces no es buen amigo y te duele mucho mas cada uno de los recuerdos, cada una de esas historias que un dia te hicieron sonreir, te hicieron feliz.... solo me resta decir que lo extraño y me va a costar mucho dejarlo de amar....

The story is this: one day I met someone who I fall in love with only his eyes shine with a simple smile who you happy, time after we were boyfriends and share moments very special (I think unrepeatable) finally succeeded few things In both ugly and sadly ended up not long ago, the thing is that sometimes the time is not good friend and you hurt much more each of the memories, each one of those stories that make you smile one day, make you happy. ... I can only say that what is strange and I quit going to cost a lot of love ....

Unknown "Mistyc" Playful - 17 years, 6 days ago

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Ann Angel

You have been given Sending kisses.
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Ann Angel "Gone :-(" Carefree - 16 years, 4 months, 14 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #430) *set alight* You have been set alight
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 7 months ago
Shirley Pauline Robayo
hola!!!! saludos Isis!!!!!!!!
You have been given Ooooh!..Did You Just Pet Me?.
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Shirley Pauline Robayo "one in a million" *leaving all behind* *bye bye* - 16 years, 7 months, 8 days ago
I don't really agree with you, but thanks. ^^
Unknown " Loveling ♥" Loyal - 16 years, 8 months, 19 days ago

You have been given nice to meet you.
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LAPAXKIT "Free Spirit" Sexy - 16 years, 9 months, 27 days ago

You have been given x Hola x.
Crafted by Unknown
LAPAXKIT "Free Spirit" Sexy - 16 years, 10 months, 12 days ago
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