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"White Lioness"

Chantelle , 59/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:11:22 AM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
Location: Wilderness, Western Cape South Africa

"The White Lioness...Queen of the Planet..."
About me:
I am the White Lioness, Queen of the Planet! We are known as the Children of the Sun God and the African tribal elders regard us as the most sacred animal on the African continent. Created from pure sunlight which encompass all the colours of the rainbow, we are the rarest lions on the planet and continue to remain a mystery to many. We have come to Earth at this very important time for very special reasons because we carry within our genes the ability to bring about light, change and healing for all...
About you:
Since we felines are very sociable creatures, I enjoy connecting with and meeting people from far and wide! Above all, I am a vegetarian lioness so I don't bite and definately don't seek any prey either! I have, however, already rewarded myself for good deeds done in past lives by attracting the most ROARINGLY awesome mate into my life, so cheesey chat-up lines in my in-box and on IM are not welcome...
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Herd of Wa-Wa's, ~Irene's Dungeon~, MARGGRETTE'S, The World and Everything In It, Chantelle's Layout
"Dragon Rider"
50 pts
Chantelle's tales
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And may I introduce my spiritual fiancee...

Chantelle "White Lioness" Carefree - 15 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
Hello all my HP friends! Just to let you know I will be away on my travels from 21st February till 15th March! Look forward to catching up with you again then! x
Chantelle "White Lioness" Carefree - 16 years, 5 days ago
The second reason I feel over the moon today is because finally its here...!


In a nutshell, its an awesome time for both personal and global transformation. I for one am very happy to be on Earth at this time and DEFINATELY very happy for the blessings bestowed on me, by being born under the sign of DOUBLE AQUARIUS! :-) (yes, you can imagine the hell I put my poor parents through with my rebellious nature!) LOL

If you'd like to know more about awesome the times we are headed into on.....

On 14th February a rare astrological concentration brings together a number of planets together with the North Node - denoting higher purpose - in Aquarius that energizes and inspires the possibility for transcendental breakthrough in some perhaps seemingly intransigent situations.

We measure our global sense of both space (latitude and longitude) and time (universal time - UT or GMT) from the prime meridian located at Greenwich, England. So we can perceive the collective influence of this momentous astrological event by looking at the alignment from this globally ‘centered’ perspective.

When we do something extraordinary and exquisite emerges.

At dawn on 14th February the day dedicated to St Valentine, the patron saint of Love, the Moon in Libra enters the seventh house of relationships. And Jupiter and Mars are aligned in Aquarius in the twelfth house of spiritual transformation.

Forty years ago, the intuitive words of a song called Aquarius, brought the dawning of the new age into our collective awareness:
When the Moon is in the seventh house
and Jupiter aligns with Mars.
Then love will rule the planets
and peace will steer the stars

At dawn on 14th February the Cosmos actually embodies this perfect alignment to support our collective manifestation of love and peace and dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

The Aquarian chart of 14th February reveals an incredible concentration of cosmic influences blending with the energies of Aquarius in the twelfth house. Expansive Jupiter and energetic Mars are aligned with the higher purpose of the North Node. The presence of Chiron the wounded healer offers us the opportunity to heal the schisms that have separated us for so long. Neptune emphasizes collective humanitarian movements and the co-creation of social justice. And the presence of the radiant Sun enlightens the entire alignment.

Mercury also in the twelfth house but just beyond the cusp in Capricorn, allies with transformational Pluto to communicate and anchor the Shift throughout our global structures and institutions.

The Moon in Libra in the seventh house emphasizes harmonious real –ationships.

Venus in Aries in the first house energizes and empowers dynamic co-creativity.

And whilst Saturn the great task master in opposition to Uranus the unexpected awakener is suggesting an ongoing confrontation as the dregs of the unsustainable old paradigm reluctantly give way to the untested hope of the new, their placements in Virgo and Pisces brings practical altruism and visionary inspiration to the transition.

Chantelle "White Lioness" Carefree - 16 years, 11 days ago
Today, 14th Feb, I am a very happy woman for TWO reasons!

Firstly, I was watching Oprah yesterday and I was over the moon to see that she exposed the treatment of livestock such as caged chickens (egg-laying hens in particular), pigs (pregnant sows in particular) and veal... I have long been a voice for animal rights and have researched and written articles on the way our livestock in particular is treated, the conditions in which they are held and the ridiculous amount of growth hormones and anitbiotics which are injected into them. And let's not forget the amount of animal testing that goes on in laboratories in the name of colourstay lipstick and waterproof mascara....its nothing short of gross inhumanity!

I am so happy that someone is creating awareness on such a large only Oprah can! This, in my opinion, is a great sign that we human beings are finally starting to WAKE UP! This issue is global, and no doubt is much worse in countries which are less regulated. It's about bloody time that we are made aware of the source of our foods and elightened as to what happens to them before they reach the supermarket shelves. ...


Chantelle "White Lioness" Carefree - 16 years, 11 days ago
I would like to say a GREAT BIG THANKS to everyone who posted comments on my page for my birthday and made it so special! Thanks again, you guys completely exceeded all expectations. Thank you to my wonderful owner really know how to spoil a girl...and I LOVE IT!!! lol! And to my pet Johann....the flowers are beautiful, thank you!
Chantelle "White Lioness" Carefree - 16 years, 14 days ago
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I'm in Facebook alot pretending to be a farmer. Can't figure out still why people are stressing out over losing cartoon crops. They don't add any nutrition to anyone !!! Do they??
... infinite happiness ... You have been given ... infinite happiness ....
Crafted by Yvi
Sandy "Free Spirit" Content - 14 years, 7 months, 21 days ago

Beauty for your day  ♥ You have been given Beauty for your day ♥.
Crafted by Vampire Princess
becky "Muse" tender-heart ed - 14 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
From a tripple Gemini...
~~ Aquarius ~~ Jan 21 - Feb 19 You have been given ~~ Aquarius ~~ Jan 21 - Feb 19.
Crafted by Monk
Monk - 14 years, 9 months, 8 days ago
Hey Chantal, man you got to stop reading my mind lol I'm okay.....dealing with a lot of things at the moment but still holding my head up high. *hugs* and hope all are well on your side.
I am happy You have been given I am happy.
Crafted by -N-
-TT- "My Beauty" Sapiosexual - 15 years, 17 days ago

Some love for your day You have been given Some love for your day.
Crafted by Quit
Jay-Jay "My Jay Jay =)" - 15 years, 25 days ago
things are going well way over here
nice to hear from you
Reflection You have been given Reflection.
Crafted by _Aurora Domina_
Jay-Jay "My Jay Jay =)" - 15 years, 25 days ago
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The White Lioness's Pride

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