Some quick notes: *Yes I like video games and yes I'm a girl, get over it, we're not as rare a breed as you think. *All your base are belong to us. *I'm very angry by nature. *I'm very sarcastic by nature. *I've been called a geek and I guess in some ways its true, but unless we're the bestest of best best friends, don't ever call me a geek because I will eat your soul. *Thats all for now. *Oh yea and I'm obsessed with squirrels :3 "If a man smite thee on one cheek, smash him on the other." ~Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible
About you:
PLEASE DON'T JUST BUY MY PETS. I love all my pets very much. PLEASE SEND A MESSAGE to me and my pet. If we both agree then you are more than welcome to buy them. ALSO I really love my owner so please don't buy me!
ANOTHER REQUEST I was asked...well ok not asked, two of my most popular items were removed from my shop. They were ☆You've Been Pet☆ and ☆You've Been Played With☆ which of course made more sense back in the day anyway. But apparently I guess someone was offended because after they've survived several HP attacks and shut downs, etc I assumed they were alright. All my other adult-esque items had stayed, plus "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" isn't an adult anime lol. However the items were removed and I had to put them back up as adults only. I hate having to do that since I don't think theres really anything adult only about a cartoon thats rated 13 and up. Unknown"NaughtyAbsentPet"Ferocious
- 16 years, 8 months, 4 days ago
Hi all, I've decided to start making some shop items myself. Please don't steal these icons and claim them as your own, they take some time to make!
All items I've made are marked off with ☆s! Please let me know what you think!
Here's are some samples below! Go to the shop for more items, they can be found on pages 1 and 2! So check both pages!
- 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago
Magical Disappearing Dana
I won't be around much this weekend, but don't fret I'll stop in when I can! Today is my bfs Renzo Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament, then at night is a Nascar race I don't want to miss because I already missed a few.
Tomorrow is an anime convention I'd like to attend and in the evening I am attending a birthday party. Feel free to stop by and leave me messages and comments and I'll check in when I can! Unknown"NaughtyAbsentPet"Ferocious
- 16 years, 11 months, 24 days ago
Oh my god I'm going to miss seeing your beautiful face. I know we lost touch over the years but I still remember babysitting you and braiding you and your sisters hair. Running across the street to go play with you girls and watch cartoons and girl scouts! I wish I could have done something. My dad is so heart broken, my whole family is. I'm so sorry that happened to you Jessica, I'm so so sorry. Please rest in peace. I'll never forget about you.
I' m begging the police to do the right thing. And I'm begging anyone who might know anything to go to the police, please.
- 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
WAHOO!!!!! SOME GREAT GREAT NEWS EVERYONE! My pet who was the cause of so much aggravation and pet wars has bought HIMSELF! THANK GOD THATS OVER WITH!
If you remember I changed his name to "liar" when I had found out that he was causing trouble and that he'd ask people to buy him just to get his price raised and then claim he was entirely innocent and didn't ask anyone to buy him. This is coming directly from the people who bought him. I'm SO GLAD he's gone! Now all I have are great awesome kind and sincere pets! WOO! Unknown"NaughtyAbsentPet"Ferocious
- 17 years, 5 days ago
Page 1= Cute, Lovey and Friendship oriented items. Page 2= More cute stuff, Sexy Flirtatious Items and other Random silly nonsense
NEW! I've decided to make some of my own items. All items I have made are marked with a ☆. Please do not steal them or claim them as your own but please do buy and enjoy!