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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 31500 points.


"Vecino divino"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): points to chocolatto
Herds: MMWP OFFICIAL THUMBING HERD, give points to Marc FAVRE, Ejercito Mexicano (Mexican Army)

52500 pts

5000 pts
Unknown's tales
Once upon a time a king gave a feast
and there were all the most beautiful
princesses of the realm. Basta, one
of the guards, saw the king's
daughter: she was the loveliest of
all! And he immediately fell in love
with her. But what could a poor
soldier do compared with a king's
daughter?!...One day he managed
to meet her and told her he couldn't
live without her. The princess was so
struck by the depth of his feeling
that she said to the soldier 'If you
will wait a hundred days and a
hundred nights beneath my balcony,
then in the end I'll be yours.'
Christ, the soldier ran off there and
waited! One day, two days,
ten, twenty...Every night she looked
out of her window, but he never
budged. Come rain, wind, snow, never
budged! The birds shat on him and the
bees ate him alive! After ninety
nights he was gaunt and pale and
tears streamed from his eyes but he
couldn't hold them back. He didn't
even have the strength to sleep any
more. The princess kept watch...And
on the ninety-ninth night, the
soldier got up, picked up his chair
and left!

TeLl Me whY hE Ran AwaY... I'd LikE tO ComParE IdEas!
Unknown "Vecino divino" Confused - 17 years, 23 days ago
EveRyBoDy iS wEllComE... DoN't gO wiThOut ThuMbiNg Me And BuyiNg sOmEthiNg On mY sHop...
Unknown "Vecino divino" Confused - 17 years, 23 days ago

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Alexander Graesser
random comment #499) *chemically modified* You have been chemically modified
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 5 months, 4 days ago
Aw, thanks for the compliment. Things are going pretty well. College is a lot of fun, there are so many interesting people there. Though they treat me like a kid just because I was born in 1990. Psh. I suppose its because most of the people I know there are older than me, oh well.

No if only I didn't leave all my work last minute, wah! Not to mention midterms are soon, ugh. Maybe I shouldn't have slept in class?

Wah! Congrats on finishing your first degree hun! And how are things going for you now?
Asma "Mr. Moo Cow<3" Sparkling - 16 years, 5 months, 20 days ago
_ Z i R a b e t _
yastamos de nuevo en contactoo
a ver si dejas de andar de tenton con tus cosas!
jijij felicidades x tus 4 meses!!
_ Z i R a b e t _ "shes mine" - 16 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
Y para que veas como te consiento aqui esta el esquite que se te antojo jejeje... exito es su examen =) tu puedes!!! TQM!!!
You have been given ESQUITES.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Amiwiiis" Seductive - 16 years, 5 months, 26 days ago
Vecinooo!!! espero que despues de tu regaño aun me quieras jajaja!! pero weno no fue mi culpa!! no ti inojes!! =) yo te quero!! por eso nos desquitaremos ya prontito!! asi que a ponernos mas bellos de lo que estamos jejeje... y claro que la pasaremos bien ya veras.. por ahora te dejo el heladito que te quede a deber jojojojo un beso!!!
You have been given ice cream.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Amiwiiis" Seductive - 16 years, 5 months, 26 days ago
_ Z i R a b e t _
ola perdidooooooooo!!
_ Z i R a b e t _ "shes mine" - 16 years, 5 months, 26 days ago
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Unknown's shop
PeT hOusE

you can get special gifts 4 nice pets

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I miss u
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I miss u
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I LovE yOu!
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I LovE yOu!
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a warm hug
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300 pts
a warm hug
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i belog to u..
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300 pts
i belog to u..
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a new look
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300 pts
a new look
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where are u?
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400 pts
where are u?
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i like u..
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270 pts
i like u..
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i love my pet
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300 pts
i love my pet
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