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Unknown's tales
(ch 4)

Laying down Volpo watched Tv with the wolf. Words appeared across the screen. "By the way... my name is Lupa... What's your's?"
"Nice name... Do you know how to read?"
"A little in my travels... "
Lupa sighed. "You still don't feel comfortable near me... Loosen up. I am not going to hurt you... "
"And how do I know I could trust you?"
"well one, I haven't hurt you yet and two, what will come out of it? You are so far the only other living thing around here I could talk to... And it will be a while for someone else to talk to if I kill you... it gets lonely here"
Volpo perked his ears and sat up "Long while... Lonely... Don't you have that girl... ?"
"She disappears only to reappear every once in a while... So aside from mice and seeing her for food I am all alone... "
Volpo curiosity grew "Then why are you still here?"
"Well not to scare you but this house up to the front yard will be your home for a looong while..."
Volpo shifted from front paw uneasily "You mean we can't escape from here?"
" Well escape from this property is here but finding your way through the fog and living is the hard part... and if you wandering how I know... my brother was stuck with me here and attempted to escape only to... be back where he started and die within the same day... He told me the fog was so dense. It was like it was choking his life away. Nothing could be seen and that something worse that lurks out there... "
Volpo heart drop at this information "I am sorry to here that..."
"It's okay… now I have someone to talk to... and a cute one too..." She giggled and lay down.
Volpo relaxed at bit and quietly think about the new information he was given. After a while he smiled slyly “So there is really no way to get on your bad side here then.”
Lupa suddenly was serious for a moment “Don’t think you Can’t get out on my bad side cause you can… I will just hurt you… not kill you…”
Volpo Shrank and lay down again. “okay fair enough I guess…”
Lupa laughed as he lay her head on top of his head “That’s a good boy… Best listen to your Alpha… Anyway just stay still and watch tv…”
Volpo did as he told but decided to test something when Lupa started to say something.
“You know you got nice soft red fur… I could get use to th-th… This…” She growled inslight shock and pleasure.
Volpo nuzzled on her neck. “you like…?”
“It’s always best to suck up to your alpha to get on her good side.” Lupa answered in a tone that seem to be tempting to be romantic
“I will keep that in mind” replied Volpo who was a lot more comfortable now.

Unknown Loyal - 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
(ch 3)
The fox was petrified. His mouth was open in shock to be standing in front of a grey wolf (not to include the fact that he was stepping on it's paw.) ' ohhh crap... I knew something was wrong... now I am going to get ripped to shreds and become food.' Every instinct in his body told him to run but his mind pointed out the obvious fact. The door was closed and the only other exit was block by a high fence that was to high for him to even try to jump. Cemented to the spot he started to think back to the past where he first saw the danger of wolves.
{ Backed then he was very young and he lived his brother and 2 sisters that survived the 1st year. His parents were teaching him and his sibilings how to hunt for themselves. While his sibiling practiced his parents stood guard. Suddenly a howl was heard. His father quickly gathered the family as he said " Wolves... we must be in a wolves territory... They probably just claimed this area recently... It's best to leave now". As his family started rushing back to their territory 2 wolves popped up and try to pounce on his brother and sister but his dad stopped them. His mother rushed the sibiling away but before she was out of sight of the fighting she stopped and called to dad "GET AWAY I Got the kids far enou... " His mom stopped and started crying a she pushed us to get to our den. Volpo saw why she stopped in her sentence... the wolves overpowered his Dad and he laid their dead. From then on he knew wolves were bad to even ecounter.}
The wolf had a curled smile. Volpo just close his eyes and awaited his doom. The wolf chuckled and then remove the paw from its own and walked around the fox to examine him. Volpo was going crazy wondering ' Why doesn't it attack and get it over with?' The wolf strolled around his right and then took a sniff at his rear the came around the other side . Volpo opened his eyes in shock when the wolf sniffed him, wondering why was the wolf sniffing him. Didn't it know everything about him. One that he is a fox and two he is a male. Then he quickly closed his eyes when the wolf returned to his face. " You seem tense... stress even... you're scared??" the wolf asked n a mocking voice. Volpo couldn't believe his luck that he was being played around with before getting killed. 'How humiliating... ' he thought as the wolf stood in front of him... The wolf smiled again and walked a bit to the left of him. Volpo suddenly felt the breathe of the wolf on his ear. He braced himself for the worst. Ten the wolf said " Well relax little tod... you nto getting eaten today if that's what you're thinking... " Suddenly the wolf licked his ear and then strolled to the TV. Volpo opened his eyes in shock. He didn't get mauled. 'Why? ' He looked toward the wolf and this time he payed attention to the scent. It was a female wolf and nothing seemed tamed about her... The wolf turned around "Well correction as long as you don't annoy me you're safe with me... Anyway come lay down by me... I will explain the tv show." Volpo shivered as the statement. 'Best to not annoy her... but i don't know any wolf customs... and now she wants me to sit by her... don't annoy her jsut do as she says...' Volpo walked up, then sat about a foot away from her and looked away from her being nervous. She chuckled as she put her front paw around teh fox and pulled him closer to her that they were touching each other. Immediatly as he was pulled closer he laid to the ground ears down and tail curled. She just chuckled and licked the back of his neck to head. She laid beside him and started watching Tv. Volpo watched the tv trying not to look at the wolf face inches away from his. Scared that she will turn on him on a second. Worse was the total confusion he was in... ' She says she won't hurt me but why does she laugh so manically...? But then why is she licking me and bringing me closer to her...? Is she actually flirting with me? or is she just playing with me to eat me when i last expect it...? '
Laying still he watched Tv with the wolf...
Unknown Loyal - 17 years, 23 days ago
Volpo followed the girl along a long twisting dirt road. Keeping his ears at full alert. Only his instinct pushed him along this risky venture. Looking side to side the only thing to be seen was grass, a few trees, and a dense mysterious fog. This alone was enough to be a little cautious to not wander off the road. More over his sense of direction and location had been lost for the time he started following her. Thunder clasp startling Volpo that he dash toward the girl's leg. She merely bent down and petted him. In Volpo mind something was definetly wrong yet what else can he do now.
Finally they approached a old mansion. It was kept but not so well. The roof had a few holes and the outside desperatly needed paint. The windows didn't look like they will stay in their frame and the door seem to be rotting. Yet in spite of all the faults there was one thing that stood out for this mansion from teh outside. The gardens and surrounding land was beautiful. Flowers, trees, and bushes full with color, full of life. It didn't fit the mansion or did the mansion fit the land. Volpo shrug it off as a weird human thing. From the few times he ever seen humans they seem to be one of the most dangerous yet laziest animals around.
The girl open the door and walked into the mansion. Volpo who was still in awe suddenly realize his escort went inside and skiited inside after her. The inside of the mansion was decent. The contrast was remarkable. He looked all around until the girl stopped and told him to wait in the room. He did as he was told. She went away through a door as he looked around the room. He guessed the room what some animal mention as the humans family den room. He heard from th other animals that this is the part of the home that the family pack of humans would get together and bond in their weird activities. Some of which he heard was reading books and watching a magic box.
Feeling a bit nervous at the girls short absence he looked towards the door. ' Maybe i should make a quick exit plan just in case... ' he thought been when he looked the door was closed. Volpo guess it was probably locked. Now there was no escape he new of. Volpo sighed but then something in the room caught his attention. A wooden box that had a dark middle that he saw a reflection of himself in. Curious he went to investigate this object. It had these foot ledge on the side and two silver ears. He thought ' Hey Maybe this is that magic box thing...' He grew excited. 'Maybe if I turn the ledges... ' He pawed at the knobs of the tv and suddenly it came to life. He jumped back as the Magic box turned on and started showing moving images. Just then the girl came back, "Silly Fox, That's a Tv. You watch stuff on it for fun or play in your language. Anyway here is the food I promised." Volpo Couldn't believe his eyes. Real meat... He jumped and startled scarffing down the meat. The girl placed a bowl of water near the fox and then placed a fence on the other exit of the living room. "This will keep you from accidently hurting yourself in the other rooms. Just wait until I come back otherwise take a nap..." She then walked away. Volpo didn't hear most of the words she said except something about taking a nap. After eating that sounded great.
He looked around as he figured that he might watch this tv... though he couldn't understand how the tv could be play jsut by watching it... He started backing away from the tv while still facing it. He tried to back up to a nice dark corner. Yet unknown to him golden-green like eyes was watching him from the closet in the dark corner he was backing up into. The eyes watched as the fox continue to back up. Getting up and moving closer the eyes wanted to get a good look at the strange fox. Suddenly the fox stepped on a paw. The fox turned around quick and met eye to eye with his observer. He quickly recognized the scent and appearence but couldn't move. The Observers eyes came closer to his as it said "Surprised...are we...?"
Unknown Loyal - 17 years, 28 days ago
(Intro: Inner Fox)
Some say dead men can tell no tales but that is fra from the truth. 30 km away from a nearby city is a plain named terra... It it said that often many journies begin and end in the forsaken land where many come to die. Yet for a particular red fox named volpo a end let his story become anewed.
Unknown Loyal - 17 years, 1 month ago
(Ch 1)
The red fox merely was scavenging for food. Many off his prey has ran far beyond his reach of his territory. He was desperate to find anything. Any little morsal yet none could be found for miles. You looked far into the north and look to the south. He look to the east and finally was searching the far ends of the western side of his territory. Usually he avoided the west because he heard rumors from travellers (humans) that there was a plain named terra which only fortold death if you step into there. Yet in his mind he thought ' ThHe breathe heavily then heard a is is the only other place where food ight be or else i am dead either way.'
Grave stones littered the grounds some in total devestated conditions. Very few were presentable and then came the most prominant tombstones. The skeletons of the dead humans and animals that suffered there. Volpo began to second think his choice. he decided maybe its best to leave yet at the very moment he thought that something snapped at his feet. Luckily he leaped and escaped a hunters trap. He breathed heavily until he heard a shotgun. 'ohhh noo.' He dashed to the exit only to stare down a barrel of a shotgun. He though he was done for yet a young child burst from out from somewhere and slapped the shotgun down toward the floor. The barrels shot and launched the hunter backwards onto a skeleton of a dead animal. One of the ribs of the skeleton went right threw the hunter. Slowly he died there.
"Funny how it is by the animal he killed that his own death was made..." said the young girl who suddenly reappeared. Volpo looked in shock and some relief. The girl then said "come with me... I have food... " Then she started walking away.
Volpo stood for a moment still in confusion of such a sequence of events. He thought maybe the girl was a witch and kill him. Yet something told him to follow. So he did. Walking down a dirt road that he never noticed before, following the mysterious girl that saved his life.
Unknown Loyal - 17 years, 1 month ago

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Alexander Graesser
random comment #360) *baked* You have been baked
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 5 months, 23 days ago
Heh yes I do. It's been my profile pic for like six months.
Unknown "Donut!" Content - 16 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
You have been given bee silly for a day.
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Unknown "Feline " Inspired - 17 years ago
Anyway, I thumbed all your comments and notes. I promised 10 pages--I owe you 8 more. Let me know what you want. Thanks for bidding !!!
You have been played martian toy with.
Unknown "Feline " Inspired - 17 years, 2 days ago
So yeah, ummm, you need to stop buying my boy. I just got him trained the way I want him. If you want to play with me, that's fine, but leave Jason alone. (and Seph)
You have been given Don't Make Me BEG!.
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Unknown "Feline " Inspired - 17 years, 2 days ago
sall good :3
Unknown "XionBunny" Playful - 17 years, 2 days ago
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Anything you need for your own personal care for your master, yourself , or your pets. Fun item to eat and play with and All at god average prices. HAve fun Browsing around and if you want you could read some of my tales on my profile...

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