(ch 4)
Laying down Volpo watched Tv with the wolf. Words appeared across the screen. "By the way... my name is Lupa... What's your's?"
"Nice name... Do you know how to read?"
"A little in my travels... "
Lupa sighed. "You still don't feel comfortable near me... Loosen up. I am not going to hurt you... "
"And how do I know I could trust you?"
"well one, I haven't hurt you yet and two, what will come out of it? You are so far the only other living thing around here I could talk to... And it will be a while for someone else to talk to if I kill you... it gets lonely here"
Volpo perked his ears and sat up "Long while... Lonely... Don't you have that girl... ?"
"She disappears only to reappear every once in a while... So aside from mice and seeing her for food I am all alone... "
Volpo curiosity grew "Then why are you still here?"
"Well not to scare you but this house up to the front yard will be your home for a looong while..."
Volpo shifted from front paw uneasily "You mean we can't escape from here?"
" Well escape from this property is here but finding your way through the fog and living is the hard part... and if you wandering how I know... my brother was stuck with me here and attempted to escape only to... be back where he started and die within the same day... He told me the fog was so dense. It was like it was choking his life away. Nothing could be seen and that something worse that lurks out there... "
Volpo heart drop at this information "I am sorry to here that..."
"It's okay… now I have someone to talk to... and a cute one too..." She giggled and lay down.
Volpo relaxed at bit and quietly think about the new information he was given. After a while he smiled slyly “So there is really no way to get on your bad side here then.”
Lupa suddenly was serious for a moment “Don’t think you Can’t get out on my bad side cause you can… I will just hurt you… not kill you…”
Volpo Shrank and lay down again. “okay fair enough I guess…”
Lupa laughed as he lay her head on top of his head “That’s a good boy… Best listen to your Alpha… Anyway just stay still and watch tv…”
Volpo did as he told but decided to test something when Lupa started to say something.
“You know you got nice soft red fur… I could get use to th-th… This…” She growled inslight shock and pleasure.
Volpo nuzzled on her neck. “you like…?”
“It’s always best to suck up to your alpha to get on her good side.” Lupa answered in a tone that seem to be tempting to be romantic
“I will keep that in mind” replied Volpo who was a lot more comfortable now.
Unknown Loyal
- 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago