2008 almost here; hope everyone has a blast this weekend and parties it up into the New Year~ <3 I know I've had a long and 'interesting' 2007, I hope this next year will be better (less drama plzkthx) u__U; Main New Year goal: save up money to move out :D
Unknown "Tavi" Ferocious
- 17 years, 2 months, 23 days ago
"There won't be a white flag on my door..." 'Kay so, people keep buying nishie from me... there's a reason why I made her worth so much. I'm telling you all now: you buy her, I /will/ take her back eventually. So let's just avoid the hassle shall we? :D *hugs wifey*
Unknown "Tavi" Ferocious
- 17 years, 2 months, 23 days ago
Hope everyone here who happens to read this has an awesome Xmas and New Years; lots of presents, good food, and good times :D I'm going to be at my closest friend's house eating goose plus other yummy things, and playing on the wii/ps2 with awesome people <3 So everyone! Have fun (and be safe) >8O!
Unknown "Tavi" Ferocious
- 17 years, 2 months, 27 days ago
So I'm saving up to buy my best friend from this other guy I know, and another friend is competing with me to see who can get her first. Need 5000+~ Since I'm new to HP, I'm poor :( *posts like crazy in express* YOU'RE GOING DOWN LUKE AND JACKY >D EDIT: ... Now I have to keep warring with random strangers to keep her >__> *pulls out weapons*
Unknown "Tavi" Ferocious
- 17 years, 2 months, 28 days ago