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Unknown's tales
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And I thought people around here had a little more sense. But NO.

First they tell us we gotta get our stuff packed, and LABELLED item by item for EASY recognition of each individual item in each pack. What kind of nutcase logic is this?! Already, the stuff is packed in CLEAR ziploc bag, and displayed seperately in AIR-TIGHT condition. If you're gona LABEL each item, then how are you even going to USE the items at all?

Then, they want the orderly personnel to STAY in the office from 8 - 5, with apparently NO computer terminals, do the flag raising/lowering at 6am and 6pm EVERYDAY, and only book out after flag lowering on FRIDAY.

And the worse thing is, NOBODY on the receiving end voiced out any opinion. (I wasn't with them, since I was away doing duty.)

Pure crap.
Unknown "Swish" Festive - 16 years, 5 months, 8 days ago
Joy! My dog's steadily getting better. He's walking about more, though his appetite is still quite low.

And on the darker side, things at work are just getting FRUSTRATING. Don't understand why some people need EVERYTHING in black and white - Well, all the trouble stemmed from ambiguous wordings in a single email. Geez. This certain annoying person claims that the sentence in the email doesn't state SPECIFICALLY what cannot be done, so that means we gotta do everything. Need a dictionary, you nimwit? And he still comes flaring up at me, asking me why I need to bother the orignator of the email for clarification on the words. HELLO?! YOU are the one who wants your black and white? You fat baboon. Grr.
Unknown "Swish" Festive - 16 years, 6 months, 28 days ago
Ever felt used and betrayed before? Here's a personal encounter. See, I used to have friend (one I thought was a true good friend) who happened to be there when I most needed a caring hand. She was in need of a tutor for her academic subject, and as a friend, I decided to help her, free of charge. Well, things were getting along mighty fine, and after her exams, I went on helping her get into a higher institute, with efforts that, looking back, far exceeded what a normal friend or good friend would have done in the same situation. ie. It was like I was the one applying for the place in the institute.

Well then, she got in the institute, and my existence then got totally ignored. And I'm not jumping to conclusions, because its been 5 months, and if you were to treat a someone like a good friend, you wouldn't, even if you were busy at times, just ignore his/her.

First, she claimed she was busy during school term, and now that the holidays were here, she really wanted to meet me and tell me all about school. Lets meet this weekend shall we? Sure. No short messages, no calls till the weekend was out.

Same day next week, Hey, shall we meet THIS weekend? Sure. Again no messages, no calls till the weekend was out.

So I texted, looks like you were busy the last 2 weekends? Yea, didn't expect something to crop up. All right. Well, at least you could have told me earlier ya, but never mind (I didn't say that to her)

Then after a few months (probably halfway through a school term), she suddenly called, asked when is my birthday? It was already past a week. But I appreciate the heart yes. Oh! I'll see you this weekend k, I'll make it up to you. Sure. No calls, no messages till 8.45pm at night, when I was on my way back to camp. Hey do you think we can still meet now? I was looking for something for you, and when I realised it, it was already nightfall! Oh i see. Hm actually I can't, you know.

Another week. Was on my way to catch a movie with my friends, thats 8.50pm at night, she suddenly texted and asked if I was free. Ya why? Can I meet you at the interchange now to pass you something? I was heading to place A, and she wanted to meet me at place B, which is like, 3 train stations apart. And I already told her. The show's at 9. What, you think I can teleport?! Right, never mind.

Another few weeks.

Texted her this time out of goodwill, ask her out. Ok, she says, anytime you are free. Ok, this weekend? "Weekend as usual, I spend time with my family and do some revision. Oh btw, do you think I can consult you maths that I duno? Hehehe." To this I only replied "I'm only free on weekends." (which she knows, really) First, if she did mean what she said about wanting to meet me, what's a few hours of a day on a weekend worth? Then, she has the CHEEK to again ask for my help, under such pretext.

Right, so I'm only expendable. What do YOU take me for, a TOOL? Use it with care when you need it, chuck it aside when you don't?

Such pretence, such cheek. *retches*
Unknown "Swish" Festive - 16 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
Looking at my dog lately made me reflect on just how fragile and easily shattered life can be. One minute, something or someone you really treasure but often overlook can be right there for you, and the next, you just realise that you might lose him/her/it any time.

Proverb has it that everything comes to an end, and then we reflect on how much more we could have treasured its presence... But is it really much easier to let go when you have treasured something with all you could?

Losing something is always a pain to one, either way. You are either filled with regret upon losing something dear to you without having done much more when you could; or you feel a deep sense of loss and longing for losing that something you've always treasured and appreciated. It doesn't make it any better - the emotional burden may be different, but the basis of the sense of loss is still the same.

What a world...
Unknown "Swish" Festive - 16 years, 7 months, 4 days ago
Hardly able to have a peace of mind lately.

First, I'm suddenly pulled in by the big head and asked if I was able to do guard duty. Hey, HE was the one who said we couldn't do cos of our status. Had to go for some medical certification, and despite being certified as only able to do sedentary duties without engagement, he still puts usin the guard duty list. Bummer.

Then, I just heard that end of the year, my section's gonna be dispersed, manpower re-allocated to other sections. Rumor still, yes.

Unknown "Swish" Festive - 16 years, 7 months, 11 days ago
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omg, Swish, i've been so insanely busy! and by that, i mean busy partying. ;-) have a shot, or a few, with me. WOOT!
You have been given Absinthe.
Crafted by Inked Soul
Unknown "Queen LiYi*" Purring - 16 years, 5 months, 5 days ago
Hi Jo... thumbed all ur tales!
Unknown "Euphy's JoEy" Naughty - 16 years, 5 months, 22 days ago
for being the sweetest thing
You have been given Blowing kisses your way..
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Queen LiYi*" Purring - 16 years, 7 months, 16 days ago

You have been given A random blonde(natural).
Crafted by Ewan who
Unknown "Queen LiYi*" Purring - 16 years, 7 months, 29 days ago

You have been given trip to wonderland.
Crafted by Kara
Unknown "Queen LiYi*" Purring - 16 years, 8 months ago
dance all our cares away!
You have been given Dance With Me.
Crafted by Jaime Ann
Unknown "Queen LiYi*" Purring - 16 years, 8 months, 3 days ago
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Unknown's shop

Some art pieces I created.

Your Eyes Mesmerize Me So
1 use

200 pts
Your Eyes Mesmerize Me So
Bought by 5 people
If Thoughts Could Be Painted
1 use

200 pts
If Thoughts Could Be Painted
Bought by 1 people
You're a Hero to Me
1 use

200 pts
You're a Hero to Me
Bought by 3 people
A Special Rose for Someone
1 use

200 pts
A Special Rose for Someone
Bought by 4 people
A Lone Rose in the Light
1 use

200 pts
A Lone Rose in the Light
Bought by 3 people

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