>3~ Yes it's a sale, so shop till you drop in my humble little shoppie ;O!
Unknown "♦ 傻mimi" Lazy
- 16 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
http://meiwai0.spaces.live.com/photos/cns!105186041B5AB43B!107/ If you LOVE looking at cosplay? Go check her live space out, her name is Mei wai and the name just fit her PERFECTLY! You'll be like THAT'S THE MOST AMAZING THING I've ever seen in my life! so DON'T miss it ;O! one of the most amazing girl I've ever ever seen! so sad that she kinda quit cosplaying.... she's just so amazing... go ahead and check her photos out if you have to time... you won't regret looking at them!
Unknown "♦ 傻mimi" Lazy
- 16 years, 8 months, 22 days ago
Dear friends, I'm now playing Wonderland Online. Do you want to join me and thousands of others around the world? WLO is great because it has so many unique systems, including manufacturing, and fishing. The new server “Gemini” will be launched very soon. A new server means a new start. Let's play it together. WL video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H61elndMT8w WL Screenshot: http://wl.igg.com/community/screenshots.php
Unknown "♦ 傻mimi" Lazy
- 16 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
刚刚看了一首诗,是一位自称像风一样疯的博客留的,觉得有意 思所以再这里转载了! 一场地震,生死两难; 只道三四险,不 知五月难; 纵有六双眼,泪也 流不完; 七颗心儿悬,零八奥运艰; 高呼九洲十地华人现, 纵 使百舸 千帆风浪间,也让咱行得万年船! 泱泱中华几千年,只是百般 奈斗不过你苍天; 十分惨淡, 也不知你九重天中住着何神仙, 零八年八月八日还有八十八天时送灾难; 但愿七彩祥云现,六 月中国保平安, 五星红旗永鲜艳;四海升平,三地两岸心连心成 条线! 我只想,跪地昂首问苍天,敢应否:下辈子,你做人来 我做天!
Unknown "♦ 傻mimi" Lazy
- 16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
512 ... 好难能够相信中国也能有这种8级地震。刚听到的时候笨笨的我 不以为然,直至到上了QQ网读新闻的时候才知道事态严重。读着 读着也哭了起来,当时我还在上班哟!所以把店里的气氛搞的怪 怪的。捐了$200.00, 还没告诉我妈妈呢!$200 说多不多, 但也希望能帮的上忙。 死了很多很多孩子, 非常无辜的孩子。我很难想象他们要承受的痛苦,他们家人的打 击。 我希望这一种天灾不会再有第二次。 实在是太难过了,可是看见那些活过来的人的时候心中又暗暗的 高兴了起来!我真的是非常佩服呢一些经历过地震的人, 更佩服呢一些一直日夜不分默默去搜救遇难人们的人民兵,消防 员。对温家宝总理更是多了几分的尊重!我也真的很想去帮助那 些有需要的人,只可惜身在美国,唯有以心去支持那些可爱的人 们!!!!!
Unknown "♦ 傻mimi" Lazy
- 16 years, 9 months, 13 days ago