There was a man falling from infinity. Into an unknown dark nightmare. Some time later there was no feeling to it to tell wether is he falling or moving any direction. It was more likely falling in a multidimensional universe. There was no bottom to it. During his long fall he came across various worlds some like his own some were not. These worlds were created by people whom he had known once. Some of them were in a form of light guiding him through his journey. Embracing with their warm existence but all faded away a few times later. He wanted to feel that warmth forever but never last too long. That man still keeps falling down. Like a shooting star blazing with his own fury and scratched hearts flame. Burning like fire but as cold as steel. Falling, still falling down. But still waiting for another world to fill his heart with that warmth he longed for. To guide him through the stars and help him to recreate his own world of happiness. That doesnt matter how many times he fails or how many times he deceived by that hope. He still hopes. Still hopes for the end of his lonely journey.