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Crystal DeVoe
Crystal DeVoe
"Partner In Crime"

Crystal DeVoe, 37/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:3:02 PM
Join date:16 years, 2 months, 9 days ago
Location: Schoharie, New York United States

""You can't live without loving and you can't love without living""
About me:
Lets start with the basics. I'm 21, blonde hair blue eyes, typical of an Irish girl. Im very proud of my heritage as anyone who knows me can tell you. I'm pretty laid back and like to have fun like everyone else. But in the same respect im a very setteled person. I've been with the .same wonderful guy for 6yrs now. I'm very content in my life. I love to be around my friends wheneever possible. I trust people way to easy and usually forgive rather quickly. I don't hold grudges and dont live in regret. My motto is to live life and love every minute of it!
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight

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Crystal's tales
Crystal DeVoe
I've come to the conclusion that life is way to short. We never really know what can happen to us and how fast it could all end. A really good friend of min just passed away. He was only in his early 30's and we're pretty sure it was heart attack. No one was around for him. The police found him this morning because his manager had called the police to find out if something had happened to him since he hadn't shown up to work in three days. It is all really hard to piece together. Granet this guy wasn't the most healthy person on earth, he had a lot of health problems, but no one would have expected him to just be gone like that.

So as stood there at work, listening to my mother explain what she knew of what happened, all i can think about is how i have not seen him in almost six months and now i will never see him again. With one phone call a person is no longer alive, and a piece of my heart went with him.

RIP were a great guy. You brought a smile to my face every time you were around. You had a heart of gold and i will never ever forget all of your wise words of wisdom (even the ones about how little children are evil and people were born stupid just to annoy you!) I believe you lived a very full life here...and where ever you are now i hope you are happy and you know how much we all loved you and how much of impact you had on all of our lives! <3
Crystal DeVoe Crystal DeVoe Crystal DeVoe Crystal DeVoe Crystal DeVoe
Crystal DeVoe "Partner In Crime" - 16 years, 1 month, 5 days ago
Crystal DeVoe
For some reason when you work in retail people automatically assume that while you're ringing out their purchase that you also what to hear all of their problem. By the way this is completely untrue! We want you to give us money for whatever it is you're purchasing and the promptly LEAVE!
But anyway, I am at work yesterday ringing out about my 100th old lady. While I'm packing up her stuff I hear her talking to another lady about how things like Facebook and Myspace are ruining today's youth. Now mind you i can not comment on any of what she is saying because it would have just come out rude. Her main point was that "kids" today spent to much time using technology and less time out in the real world.

Well if not mistaken Facebook and Myspace are the real world. Granit if you really want to you could make a fake profile and be someone you're not. But most of the people using these sites use them for communication and communication is part of the real world. Through Facebook I am able to instantly contact a friend that lives however far away. I can connect with my family, who i otherwise would probably rarely if ever talk to without the facilitation of Facebook. My sister can update myself and the rest of our family and friends on my niece. We share pictures with people. How else could you possibly do all of those things for free and so instantaneously.
Also thanks to sites like Facebook, HumanPets and other sites where you can meet new people, quite a number of people I know have met their spouses. The internet opens up an entire world at your fingertips.
People are way to quick to say that just because the Internet is not a conventional way of communication that is the wrong way. And well obviously i think that is wrong.

end rant...
Crystal DeVoe "Partner In Crime" - 16 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
Crystal DeVoe
2008 in review...
Where to begin...2008 was a crazy mixed up year. At the start of the year i waist deep in wedding plans. I was half way through my junior year of college and falling farther and farther behind. Dave and I had moved out to Guilderland with Emily. And things were finally looking up in our lives since 2007 was such a crappy year for the two us we figured that 2008 had to prove to be much better! And it did (well at least for the most part).

January to July was such a major blur. When we weren't dealing with wedding plans we were being groupies to our good friends band, Bipolar. We had such amazing times with them it was unreal. Then in May one our best friends Pat (lead singer of Bipolar) and his wonderful family packed up and left for Montanna. I have to say that was one of the hardest goodbyes i had to say. So many tears were shed as we all said our goodbyes.

Then in February my beautiful niece Camryn Rose was born!! She is a little angel and i love her to death. I am a very proud aunt. She has grown so much over this year. She's not quite walking but she is very very close!

Next came the wedding! I know its corny to say but that was the best day of my life. After so much anticipation when that day finally came i could hardly believe it! It was all so surreal. I didn't even hear a word of what the Minister said! But that was partly due to me concentrating on not passing out! haha But as soon as the ceremony was over and celebrating began i was in all my glory. It was wonderful to see all of my family and friends together celebrating our love. It could not have been more of a perfect day.

The next day we kicked off our honeymoon with my first ever Bruce Springsteen concert. Then we traveled to the Poconos for a week of love and laughter. Unfortunately there was some turbulence from people back home. I wont get into the details because they are personal to the people involved. But when we came home our roommate/my best friend/my maid of honor had moved out. I remember standing in the middle of our near empty apartment and felt like i had been punched in the chest. I sat on the floor and just cried. I know i know i'm far to emotional of a person but o well. Needless to say it was a very shitty way to start off our marriage. But we tried our best not to let it effect us.

We've now been married five months and brining in the new year happy and healthy. We've met some great people this year and mended some broken friendships and all i hope is next year brings new adventures to kick off our journey as a family!
Crystal DeVoe Crystal DeVoe Crystal DeVoe Crystal DeVoe
Crystal DeVoe "Partner In Crime" - 16 years, 2 months, 9 days ago
Crystal DeVoe
I really never knew this HP thing existed but i'm finding that its actually pretty cool. So thanks to my newly discovered friends Keleigh i wi all be gracing you all with my presence! haha you are all sooooooo lucky!

And now for a little bit about me...

I love my life! Things are not always easy but i have the most wonderful husband by my side every step of the way. Dave and I met in high school (yes we were high school sweethearts!) 9th grade to be specific and have been together ever since. Well actually we did go through a little bit of a rough patch and called off our engagement for a few months, but with time everything worked itself out and the engagement was back on. A little over a year after that we were married on July 26, 2008!! With our friends and family surrounding us we committed our lives to each other.
Its really strange how things work out sometimes. No one ever thinks that they will find the person they are going to marry while still in high school worrying how about which table to sit at during lunch! But it did happen and i could not be more grateful.
Currently I am working on finishing up my BA in Psychology at The College of Saint Rose. If I am lucky i will be graduating this summer! And then maybe i can get a job where i make some decent money! Then our plans are to move to NYC and start our family!

And that is all she wrote...well at least for now!!
Crystal DeVoe Crystal DeVoe Crystal DeVoe
Crystal DeVoe "Partner In Crime" - 16 years, 2 months, 9 days ago

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