Howdy. Thanks for visiting. My home is the sand. I always walk sideways. I really dig the beach life. Merlin & Ozzy are my best buddies. I have 2 pincher claws, 8 legs, and 94 mouth legs. (Pincher claws have elastic bands left on from market) * bangs pincher claw* ~~~ Please do no eat me~~~ . .
I chose surgery for treatment of my ruptured Achilles tendon. Re-attaching the two ends of the tendon repaired my torn Achilles tendon. This procedure was done through an incision on the back my ankle near the Achilles tendon. My procedure involved sewing the two ends of the tendon together. Repair techniques have been developed to minimize the size of the incision which leaves me with a 5" scar. Repair Successful.
After surgery, a cast or brace will be used to protect the repair and the skin incision. The cast or brace may be required for six to eight weeks. Following removal of the cast, a shoe with a high heel may be worn for several weeks. Physical therapy may be recommended for regaining full motion of the ankle and strength in the calf muscles.
- 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
NEWS SLASH - - SLASH GOING UNDER THE KNIFE Yesterday I accidentally tore my Achille's Tendon (rupture). I am having surgery in 6 hours to re-attach my tendon. Wish me well folks, cause you are all I've got. I will have alot of free time, so hit me up. Chowder
- 16 years, 9 months, 18 days ago