I don't log into pets as much as I used and the reason is ... I'm playing face book applications. Chiefly, the apps providing me with the most enjoyment these days is the My Heroes Ability (like the tv show) and Superheroes, both very fun, polished, and little in the way of hassle, plus they are still be developed, so it seems like there is always something new to see.
Unknown "MUG-Z" Peaceful
- 17 years, 28 days ago
I am your master now! Muhahaha... *coff coff hack* Oops, don't know where that came from. I'm just messing around, I don't have pets so much as companions, I believe in being wild and free. I don't put up fences, use leashes, or seek to abuse pets in any way, if they want to be with me, that is entirely their choice. Oh, you probably thought I was talking about this app! I am referring to actual animals, I see owning a pet as a responsibility to be taken no more lightly than if it were my own child and want the best for my fellow creature, even when I assume the role of the hunter to feed my family. People who abuse their companions, their pets, their children - they disgust me, they may not realize it, but every time that happens they make their own world that much darker with consequences that ripple through space and time itself. Here is a nice pic we got with Don Burnstik after I saw my very first live Stand-Up Comedy show!
Unknown "MUG-Z" Peaceful
- 17 years, 1 month, 27 days ago
Wouldn't you know it, its the new year! Every year, it seems like we are all wondering if we will make it and then, there we are again! Gives you hope when you think about it, that there is still love in the world. Does anyone else get kinda ... horny around New Year's celebrations? I always feel like my libido just sky rockets around parties in general, now that I think about it, yet I never do end up getting any. Are you sensing frustration? Well, to be honest, I'm not, I just go with the flow, and sometimes the hormones are flowing, sometimes not, know what I mean? Doesn't change that I treat my relationships with others carefully, and jumping in the sack is not something I do lightly. I figure a good romp is only good if there are no regrets afterwards, no feelings of abuse. So far, in my experience, that means I've only been with one lady, my wife and mother of my daughter. Its comforting, sometimes I wish I could just slow my hormones down so I would be at the same level of horny as her. I get the impression that guys are more open or rather, public, about their sexual urges. Ladies seem to try to play it down, be coy and subtle, to a degree. Unfortunately, sometimes that sends mixed singles to us not so subtle guys, we see ladies wearing something sexy, like lingerie, and instantly assume she has the hots for us, sometimes at complete odds to what is obvious, that its no guy in particular that stylin lady is aiming her pheromones towards. I figure that is what confuses guys, they want to be nice to ladies, but they are required to make the first move most of the time, that to a guy means being aggressive, and aggressive and nice just don't go well for us guys - we over do it, and we are a sexist pig, we under do it and we are some wimpy, possibly homosexual guy it seems like. Trust me on this ladies, if you like a guy and want him to know, don't bother with the subtlety if you want him to be nice to you, just walk up to him, put a hand on an arm or hold his hand and tell him clearly and concisely. Then he will know exactly how read your subtlety and coy playful flirting. Oddly enough, if guy is clear on how a lady feels for him, he will become comfortable enough to be kind and aggressive, as in protective at the same time as being comfortable to make themselves vulnerable to you by openingly telling you they desire you.
Unknown "MUG-Z" Peaceful
- 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Does it get under anyone else's skin when someone talks about you like you aren't even there when you are standing within ear shot, heck, right in front of them? Sometimes I think people forget that they don't have a display case between me and them and my side burns are not a license for them to smirk. Its weird, I get compliments from guys all the time on my side burns, really random strangers in the mall. Sometimes, I get the vibe they are being sincere, or at least good at faking it, or perhaps even genuinely impressed but then other times the way someone says "Hi" or "Nice sideburns" it just makes me want to serve a beat down on a complete stranger. Especially teenage boys in groups. And I think that would be a fun fight too, except for the part where a cop will probably drag me off to jail either with the use of pepper, shocker, or projectile pointed in my direction. That part wouldn't be much fun. But sometimes, I just get this strange urge to rumble, just get in a friendly scrap, where no hard feelings but I want to put the hurt on you and have you put the hurt on me, without the necessity of any hospitalization. Unfortunately, I often play too rough for most people's liking, and when somebody poses a real threat to life and liberty I tend to get a lil'too ... final. Damn I miss my Jui Jitsu and other enjoyable martial arts sessions, its the one place I know of where it is acceptable to get rough with someone else. I guess I am on edge because the damn teenager next door is a little shit and speeds in my neighborhood where lil'kids play, so when I reemed him out for doing that in the snow where there is a lot less stopping distance and more chances kids would be out playing in it, his mother called me an idiot when I called the cops, who just made a "file" about it. Then I learn about a nice neighbor whose wife had her arm broken by some prick in the bar. Sometimes I want to bring the final, but then I remember my breathing ... Sometimes I want to bring the hurt, but then I remember my breathing, I'm probably just being overly sensitive and walk away... "Wow, he even acts like Wolverine..." I hear from the teenage boy working in the movie theatre commenting to his fellow worker as I walk away. Hopefully I have more self control than a comic book / movie character, less need of anger management but at what point do I get to release my inner warrior, brawler, rough neck? It shouldn't bug me what people think I look like, I know what I look like to my daughter when she smiles at me. Here is a link to a Wolverine vs Wolf fight: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=Xfq_-oVkQcQ
Unknown "MUG-Z" Peaceful
- 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
I do want to make an auction, but I don't have the first clue what anyone could possibly want from me. Is it just me but to some auctions seem just a bit ... suggestive, like there are those who might be plying a certain ages old trade. *starts singing* "The internet is for 'Porn'!" [url]http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=4pn4kZyqVRU[/url]
Unknown "MUG-Z" Peaceful
- 17 years, 2 months ago