Aha, you're like
a white tiger [;
But yeah, I'm a hawt
baby polar bearr <3
Awh, I miss you already ;[
& You left like, only 30 minutes ago,
or something around that =[
"VAM NFS"Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
Lmao, ty babe [;
That dumb guy kept buying mee.
Like pedofilee.
Ew he actually does look like a pedofile/rapist/child molester ;[
I was scaredd </3
But now you've bought me [;
So I'm like, yay, my heroo =P<3
"VAM NFS"Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
Zomg, & the bow didn't work either !
But yeah, you're now the prettiest boy on the block [; ily pumpernickel nate the pedofile <3 ahaha ;D
You have been fitted with a bowtie.
"VAM NFS"Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
Hm, I'm not sure the last time my handcuffs worked so ;[
We shall use these soon [= My house tonight, ahaa ! ily nate <3 [=
You have been handcuffed.
"VAM NFS"Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
Loooooooooooooserrr [= <3
"VAM NFS"Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago