If bikes could talk by me
I’m resting now, though not through choice
I only wait to hear your voice
The door swings wide, and you appear
Helmet, gloves and riding gear
You look at me, your pride and joy
Any mans expensive toy
The tension builds, I feel it too
I look outside, the sky is blue
Please start me up, I just can’t wait
It’s this hanging around I always hate
Get me out of here and on the road
I spend too long in this abode
Too feel the wind, be by the sea
Take me there, I’ll set you free
Yes, yes, that’s right, you now look ready
Start me up, but take it steady
Pull in the clutch, engage first gear
Come on mate, get me out of here
Slow at first, not too fast
I want this experience to last
I’m ready now, open the throttle
Ride me fast if you have the bottle
Here comes that bend, our favourite
Let’s go quicker, just a little bit
Tip me in, I’ll hold your line
Gas me out, we'll be just fine
And now we’ve got a nice long straight
Open me up, go on, do it mate
Jump on my brakes, that bend looks tight
Just keep it smooth and we’ll be alright
Watch out !!, is that a Volvo I see
Keep your distance so it can’t hurt me
It’s time to turn and head on back
But on the way we’ll have a crack
A wheelie here, a stoppie there
Do what you like, I just don’t care
Just make the most of these last miles
I’ll give your face the broadest of smiles
And now we’re home, you wash me down
My smiling face now wears a frown
I’m resting now, though not through choice
I only wait to hear your voice
Unknown "sexy girl" Lonely
- 16 years, 9 months, 23 days ago