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"See Spot run!"
"Quick Fingrs McB"
2000 pts
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Unknown's tales
Spent the last week and a half in Costa Rica! I went as part of a study abroad program through the school's geography department. Here are some pictures from the days we spent in Costa Rica's Caribbean Lowlands! Strawberry/Blue-jean dart frog, Green and black dart frog, turtles on a log, birds of paradise and iguanas everywhere! The last three pictures are of my room and the walkways between our rooms. This is the Selva Verde Lodge in Sarapiquí. We went rafting on the Sarapiquí River and did zip-line canopy tours. It was take-your-breath-away amazing! When I get my degree and learn Spanish I'm going back!
Unknown "See Spot run!" Adventurous
- 16 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
Spent the last week and a half in Costa Rica! I went as part of a study abroad program through the school's geography department. This is Rio Celeste in Costa Rica's Guanacaste Province! These are pictures from our 5+ hour hike up and down the dangerously steep mountain slope. The first four pictures are of the Rio Celeste catarata (waterfall). The fifth picture is of an area of the river upstream from the waterfall where hot water bubbles up creating hot pools. The seventh picture is a small suspension bridge that we crosses. Its capacity was no more than five people at a time. Many of the bridges we crossed cinsisted only of a log and a rope. lol The last picture is the Laguna Azul downstream from the waterfall. The sixth picture is further upstream. It is the point where two rivers come together and the water tuens blue. The local legend is that when god finished painting the earth this is the spot where he washed his brush.
Unknown "See Spot run!" Adventurous
- 16 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
Spent the last week and a half in Costa Rica! I went as part of a study abroad program through the school's geography department. Here are some shots from San Jose! We went during the cow festival so there were painted cows all over the city (as in the first three photos). The next four pictures were taken at the Basilica of the Virgin. The two stained glass windows depict the events leading up to the creation of the church. A women saw the figure of Mary in a rock near the well where she collected water. After a lengthy series of events and overturning of social boundaries the Basilica was built on the spot where the well had been and the stone shaped like the virgin is still within the walls. The last picture is at the center of the Centro Comercial El Pueblo. This is an area full of bars, resturants and shopping, but mostly bars. We sent our second and last nights in the country at the bars in El Pueblo. It was so much fun.
Unknown "See Spot run!" Adventurous
- 16 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
Danaus plexippus - Monarch Butterfly
Unknown "See Spot run!" Adventurous
- 16 years, 10 months, 26 days ago
Jane's Fun and Tasty Shop
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