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"Jubirdo <3"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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"I win.<3,<"
100145 pts

"Elephant killer"
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Unknown's tales
Unknown "Jubirdo <3" - 16 years, 8 months, 3 days ago
One day I was walking to school when all of a sudden I was pushed by a leprechaun into the magical rainbow forest, which coincidentally was extremly dark and gloomy. As soon as I was pushed in, something happened (use your imaginations) and I could not find the exit so I started to think, "hey, if I build a house here I am no longer lost, I'm at home". So off I went finding materials to make a house, I used sticks and leaves and even 4x4 planks and nails that I found at the construction yard. Soon my house was built and I went in to funish it. I was making an armrest for the kitchen sink when all of a sudden I heard a knock on the door, which is peculiar because I didn't install the door yet. It was the magical elf of grammar, he said that I had used way to many sentences for my one paragraph and I had terrible grammar but my spelling was okay. I then invited him in for tee but he got very angry as I had spelled tea wrong. Then good stuff happened I escaped the forest and got a 95% in school. THE END
Unknown "Jubirdo <3" - 16 years, 9 months, 5 days ago

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What if I 'secretly escaped' from you? What would you do? xD
Unknown "I win.<3,<" - 15 years, 11 months, 24 days ago
You have been given You make me smile.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "I win.<3,<" - 16 years, 1 month, 19 days ago
Idk why, but this made me think of you. And laugh.


Ilu =3
You have been given ♫ Sing it sister ♫.
Crafted by
Unknown "I win.<3,<" - 16 years, 5 months, 7 days ago
I wanted to go to school today, but my mom said I looked like a ghost, and it was crappy outside anyway, so she made me stay home.

So I stayed up all day to prove to her that I could've gone xD

I'm so sick of sleeping. And being tired. And being in my house. It's like the lonely looney bin. It's lonely 'cause no one's home during the day, and then everyone comes home at once and it's a nut house.


So, yes. School. Me. Next week. Good idea.

Um, I gotta go check the calendar thing upstairs...

Yah, I'm leaving on the 26th, too. In the morning. Then I'm coming back the next day, but in the evening.

At least that's the plan.
Unknown "I win.<3,<" - 16 years, 5 months, 26 days ago
How come you can't go this week? Did it get cancelled because of the snow storm?

Kay, so, you're leaving not the upcoming weekend (after this one), but the one after that, right? 'Cause, that's when I'm leaving, too.

I keep getting mixed up with that @.@ =$

I'm going to be at school for all of next week, though. At least, I hope to be. I'm gonna try.

I was awake all day today, so woot! xD Granted, I've been wanted to stab my eyes out from their droopy tiredness since 3, but still.

Naw, mono's dizziness. And headaches. At least, that's how it started with me. And then you get a ridiculously sore throat so you think you have strep, but nope, you're sleeping too much, so you're fucked.


Stop making me want to fly to Toronto to steal my cousin's Gameboy! That's all I did when I went there last year. lmao. I forget all of it, but I remember being right addicted, and then almost crying when the batteries died xD

Though, that was more because I'd lost everything... well, three hours or so's worth of playing >.<

You sound... eager for my health? This means you miss me? Yay?

I miss you too D= You *do* realize the second I'm better, I'm gonna be the clingy one, right? Like, hardcore >.>

Unknown "I win.<3,<" - 16 years, 5 months, 26 days ago
Since you've never seen a shooting star.

I'ma drag you out in real life to do this. When there isn't &*#@)?! snow everywhere.

My mom told my niece's friend I'm 'contageous', and now she presses herself against the wall and goes all bug-eyed whenever I walk past.

One week down (on Monday, technically, but still), one week to go.

Have fun in Kenora! =]♥

I'll write you a poem about... lamp furnishing, while you're gone. Maybe I'll throw a fox in there too. Named Lynxy.


Kill me now?
You were taken on a trip! You have been taken stargazing.
Unknown "I win.<3,<" - 16 years, 5 months, 26 days ago
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