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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 105537 points.



Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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"My Blue Girl"
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"dubble d"
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"Evil Barbie"
20000 pts
"miss cuddles"
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"Love Muffin"
273 pts

110 pts
Unknown's tales
so i think i have a problem with facebook .....i cant stop going on work at home and at any friends place im like ( can i check my facebook )
Unknown "J.A.DJ" Hopeless - 17 years, 2 months, 18 days ago
check out my store for some cool shiznat....yo cuase im a
Unknown "J.A.DJ" Hopeless - 17 years, 2 months, 19 days ago
to the ghetto ( Winnipeg ) and back.....
so me and Jake take off to Winnipeg this weekend to do a show on Saturday , and the trip down was nice and cool no problems at all ( gas -180.00) until we get into Winnipeg ...... so we stop by the hotel to check ( - 120.00 ) in and relax for a few min before we meet up with some friends to go for dinner, we change and get ready for the show toss our records in the car and head out to supper with friends , as we pull into the parking lot it was so icy that I slid right into the curb and scraped up my rim on the driver side of my new car that I just got in June :(....we park and head into the keg on mcphillips st in town ( suppose to be a nice area of town ) as we are in the restaurant me and Jake at the same time just felt sick and couldn't finish our stake's kind of weird we thought - ($ 100.00 ) for not eating our food.
when we leave and get to the car I looked in the driver side window as I get to the car and seen snow inside ( what the fuck) as I open the door I noticed my back quarter panel window was busted out and Jake and my record bags ( - 3000.00 ) were gone and along with jakes jacket ( -200 .00 ) and my work boots ( -300.00 ) and a few other thing ( - 100.00 ) FUCK...... so now we cant do the show, we get to the show and hang out for a bit we borrowed some records and tried to play for a bit but we just weren't into it.... around the end of the show we talked to the promoter that booked us and he had been doing the show with 3 other promoters and he was going to pay us the full amount....sweet thanks allot we sed but then this other douche bag promoter tried to give us 50 bucks for showing up...hahaha ....and then accused Jake of trying to steal shit from the dj both way did he just say that..... we sed not to the 50 bucks and Dustin our friend ( one of the promoters ) got mad at this guy and lots of words were sed and about a hour after that we finally got 300 bucks out of the shity promoter and got out of that place.
when we got back to my friends place the make shift tape job I did on the car didn't hold up and there was lots of snow in my car :( get back to the hotel and relax....
the next day I went to get my car fixed and that cost me 650 bucks, and as the guy was pulling my car out front he got it stuck and burnt up my clutch trying to get it unstuck (we smelt it for the whole next day) .... we went back to the hotel and had a shity sleep the morning I had to go get the new window tinted from this other shop and on the way im stopped in traffic and some guy hits me from behind and try's to say it was my fault so I got into a argument with him there was no damage on my car but he had a crack in his bumper and I told him it was his fault and he took off all mad..... now I get my window tinted and go pick up Jake to go was snowing bad and the roads were almost close due to the big storm we were driving thru ......we make it to Brandon and got stuck on a hill and I burnt up my clutch trying to get up the hill we make it to moosmin we stopped for a sank and headed out I was just about to pass this truck and as I tried to down shift the pressure of my clutch went and I couldn't shift I finally got it back into 6th gear and we drove all the way back to Regina .... now we cant stop and we really had to pee( not cool) we held it and were sweating it out till we got the the husky station, ( best pee ever ) we roll in and get it towed to ford - 40 bucks now it was too late to have them look at the car that night so we stayed ion a motel for the night and in the morning I find out I need a whole new clutch - 2000.00 bucks now we have to take the bus home 3 hour's - 40 bucks each and now I have to go back to Regina on Friday and get my car and drive it home - 40 for gas.........

-180.00 gas
-120.00 hotel
-100.00 food
- 3000.00 records
-200.00 jacket
-300.00 work boots
-100.00 little stuff in car
+ 300.00 show
-650.00 window
-40.00 tow truck
-40.00 bus
- 2000.00 clutch
Unknown "J.A.DJ" Hopeless - 17 years, 2 months, 20 days ago
so im bord at work and have nuthing better to do than post on human :)
Unknown "J.A.DJ" Hopeless - 17 years, 2 months, 20 days ago
first tale is ........ummm furry ... :)
Unknown "J.A.DJ" Hopeless - 17 years, 2 months, 21 days ago

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Hey Garrett, I thought I would drop a line and see how you were doing?
You have been given Bedtime Story.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "SwEeT PrInCeSs" Daring - 16 years, 4 months, 26 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #6905) check out my tales
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 8 months, 29 days ago

You have been given a surprise hug ^_^.
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Unknown "♥Fumiko♥" Petulant - 17 years ago
Shopped and thumbed ya tales :)
Carita "Finnish Delight " Festive - 17 years, 9 days ago

You have been given fierce kitty.
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Unknown "miss Krissy " Uncertain - 17 years, 18 days ago
when you are not busy... maybe we can????
xoxox love you xoxox
You have been given a get away trip for me and you.
Crafted by
Unknown "Rockstar" Purring - 17 years, 23 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Garret's sexy time what you want at LOW LOW PRICE'S EVERYTHING MUST GO GO GO...... :)

alittle bit of everything for ya...

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