How To Spot A Fake Profile
I used to think it's a common sense. Profile fakers are not highly intelligent and that's why they fake profiles to get the benefits the site has to offer without using their brains. But what saddens me is that people keep falling for it over and over again. So I thought I'd share some tips with you on how to weed out those fake profiles:
- The picture shows a blondie with double Ds, and the country says: Afghanistan (which is the first country on the list where you get to chose your country. The guy didn't wanna put some effort scrolling the list down), or even better she's from Korea, or maybe Japan?
- The girl has hundreds of thumbs pages, and hundreds of auction ratings (enough to make you a points millionaire). Yet, her most expensive pet is worth 100 points? What is she buying make up with all of the points she has??
-The classical most obvious, yet most effective against horney men: The imitation of a horney woman! Her profile pictures are almost naked, she's feeling horney, her nick name is "dick swallower", profile description says " I like it from behind ", you get the picture.. These men are simply making a profile for their imaginary girlfriends using their own ideas of how women are like.
- " Bids under a million are considered a generous donation, anything over a zillion I will travel to your country and give you a head ". Of course her auction rating is less than 2 stars, and guess what.. You actually find people bidding over a zillion on her auction!
- Fake profiles usually state that they are bisexuals so they can get both sex interest.
- 100s of comments on the profile without a single reply from the girl or any sign she's alive except for the auction she always has up.
- " Bid on me because I like you :p lol hehe xoxoxo".. I mean common!!! Babes don't talk like that.. Or do they??
- The profile picture is of a porn star... Sorry for the disappointment but Jenna Jamson is not using Human Pet.
Please mates, stop giving the impression that men are pigs..
Unknown Carefree
- 17 years, 2 months, 17 days ago