Well All...I'm very new to this. I don't get the opportunity to log in and spend quality time on Human Pets because...... I am super busy, with life and...three jobs.
I sell Tupperware [I'm a Star Manager]. You can view my website at: www.my2.tupperware.com/jolenereneeford
I work part time at Avis.
And, I work full time as a Controller at Dalager Engineering/Advanced Wireless Solutions. [We install wireless communications systems as well as offer electical engineering services.] Our website is currently under construction, but...it can be viewed at: www.awrls.com...
Oh ya, and I'm planning a wedding in July !
SO between all that, somewhere or another, I try to get on here....few and far between...
Unknown "Jo" Ecstatic
- 16 years, 11 months, 19 days ago