I know a boy
Who can wrestle with me
And let me win.
Who I can talk to about anything
Who laughs at my jokes.
A boy who puts my cold hands
In his warm hoodie pockets.
Who lets me use his sweatshirt for a blanket.
Who says i like you & means it.
Who kisses me in the rain,
In the sunshine, and in the snow.
Whos calls unexpectedly.
Who will have many inside jokes
With and me remember each one.
Who tells me his problems
And lets me help.
Who listens to me talk
Who saves his genuine, big smiles for me.
A boy with deeps eyes,
That can see through faces into depths.
Who gives me his t-shirt to change into
And not expect to get it back.
Who knows my favorite color, song,
movie, food, perfume and
The color of my toothbrush.
Who knows how much i care for him
And totally trusts me.
A boy who kisses me and
Tells me im beautiful.
A boy who lets me cry to him.
Who squeezes my hips just right.
Who suprises me and compliments
Me and plays with my hair.
A boy who smells like
He just stepped out of the shower.
Who wears cologne that i can subtly
Smell when im leaning on his shoulder.
Who tells me he loves the way i laugh
And have a smile that lights up the room
And simply be mine to hold
That boy knows he means a lot to me
And wishes we could be together.
Boy + Girl = :love:
Unknown "Dreams Rival" Playful
- 17 years, 20 days ago