Amber L
"☆sweet heart"Playful
- 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
your owner didn't forget about you...I was on Christmas vacation visiting family in Quebec and having no access to internet. Oh well, I see you won't be needing me anymore ;-) All the best in 2008
You have been given a hug.
"Andy's fiancee"Loyal
- 17 years, 2 months, 2 days ago
Hey =) didnt want you to be confused about my giving you away. Was helping a friend raise some points to get a pet back. I bought you back and jacked your price up!! So now you are stuck with me until you say you want a new owner, but hopefully you wont want a new owner! *hugs*
You have been fed strawberries and cream.
Amber L
"☆sweet heart"Playful
- 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
Thought it was time I took you somewhere fun! Weeeeeeeee.. I love diving. =) *hugs* have a great day!
You were taken on a trip! You have been taken diving.
Amber L
"☆sweet heart"Playful
- 17 years, 2 months, 6 days ago