I've decided to write another story: One day Pudding and Sparkles were both bored although at this point they were at their own homes and not together. Sparkles called Pudding and they talked for a while about the wonders of prettyful flowers and red as well as little purple jars. Pudding realized that Sparkles was just as bored as herself and since she was going to her grandma's house later that dad invited Sparkles to come along. Pudding's grandmother was very much into arts and crafts and loved making desserts and hanging out with Pudding. Sparkles also happened to be into arts and crafts as well as sweets. Pudding suspected the two would get along quite well. Sparkles got a ride to Pudding's house from where they both got a ride from Pudding's father over to the little cottage where Pudding's grandmother lived. They had some American food and then began to do various arts and crafts including a valentine and a cute little bathroom decoration. Later on they found themselves in the kitchen eating ice cream and cake, when someone had the idea of making candy. Pudding's grandmother immensely enjoyed making candy so she excitedly mixed and boiled some sugar with a tiny bit of water in it. Then, it was time to decide on color and flavor. They looked at the many food dyes available to them and decided that light purple was the best. Also, to go so perfectly with light purple they chose cinnamon as the flavor. Pudding and Sparkles were both terribly pleased with the color and flavor selection. At some point it was decided that the candy should be made into lolly pops much to the delight of all involved. there may have been a slight mishap involving the molten sugar mixture, however it all ended up ok. The three of them had lots of fun that day making cute little arts and crafts and even at one point baking cookies. Pudding had been right, Sparkles and her grandmother got along famously. Pudding and Sparkles left the cottage that evening feeling happy and warm and carrying goodybags full of purple cinnamon candy, yummy sugar cookies, and of course their cute little craft projects.
Unknown "Granny" Perplexed
- 16 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
The term "tale" makes me feel like I should make up a story, so I will! Jeanette woke up one day feeling happy and remembering tidbits of trippy dreams as usual. She stayed in bed for a while enjoying the luxury of not having class that day. After about an hour of that she started to feel hungry, hungry for pancakes!!! She donned her robe and went to the kitchen to look for ingredients knowing full well the likelihood of finding said ingredients was slim to none. Not surprisingly she noticed that she did not have milk or eggs both necessary for the kind of pancakes she wanted. Jeanette does not usually eat eggs or drink milk.... she lives mainly on air sunlight and fruit these days. Anyway, she realized that she would have to go to the supermarket, a thought which brought joy to her heart as she loves shopping. Jeanette got in her car and drove in the direction of the supermarket. She realized as she neared it that she needed money to buy these things so she took a quick detour to the bank. She said hi to all the tellers who knew her by name and withdrew $20. After leaving the bank, she headed back to the supermarket, parked, and entered it. She went to the dairy section getting goosebumps as she neared this refrigerated area. She picked up a quart of skim milk and debated between brown eggs or white eggs for longer than really necessary. She decided on brown eggs as she did not remember having them before and wondered if there was a difference. After making her purchases she drove home, being slightly more careful than usual so as not to send the eggs flying. When she got back to her house and her kitchen she mixed up the recipe as said in her favorite cook book and cooked the pancakes on her favorite frying pan with cooking spray, not butter. When it was time to eat the pancakes she began to fret as she was not sure that she had chocolate syrup to put on her pancakes. Happily, when she checked the fridge it was there. She ate her pancakes with chocolate syrup, then had a wonderful day.
Unknown "Granny" Perplexed
- 16 years, 2 months, 16 days ago
So, I noticed that people weren't using this facebook app. I thought: what a pity it's a wonderful opportunity for utter nonsense. I am conflicted between my desire to make good investments and my desire to just buy everyone.
Unknown "Granny" Perplexed
- 16 years, 4 months ago