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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 47420 points.



Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): Facebook Mob

"Ma Bitch"
12629 pts
210 pts
Unknown's tales
Anti-abortionists scream for life's blood, burning scans over the world, destructions envelope us all, the bible is a weapon now, scratching out at what they don't understand, biblical censorship, false hope given to the forsaken-beckon towards the end as we see is what we need-lies feed to us through TV and speech, concentrate on your deaths more than the life we have, night encompasses us as we search for what we have lost in this instance of self indulgence. Global corruption eats away at the world we thought was free, consumerism blares out from all walls as we march down the streets in rows. Centres unbalance as we collide with the inevitable truths of this existence, peace does not exist, screams silenced by swollen censorship-throats burn with the poison that is feed to us, eat the filth they give you-encase the love in ice, the smoke chokes the emotion to its last thread and strangles us with it, fortifications erected around our minds that are pumped with pleasure we cannot break free of what is the lies and be apart of the truth. You want the sweet things-to kill for this, spit the maggots out of the candy you have been given, the strangers walk beside us-within us the guilt is gone-fear replaced by desire for the nameless and false. Trails of pebbles destroyed under the machinery, lost and never found we will always be-tainted fruits of nature we feed on-knowledge grown on trees that flourish where the lies are buried, children's mouths fed with toxins and anger, fuelling them, becoming more of the same-machines eat our emotion-destroying our connections, everything is controlled now. Crawl to the unholy worship-created for sex, no reality is there-JUST PALOUR TRICKS FOR THE WEAK MINDED-the devil died with god, evil is the by-product of man-nothing rules but everything overwhelms, escape to the cage which holds you, furry rages within-boiling to what we cannot take-we are the creators of infinite darkness, worshiping what is forced down our throats, succumbing to the dark and eating the light-there is nothing to hold us anymore-plummeting forever into the endless hell we have made for ourselves....

Unknown "~Vamp~" Scared - 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
They manipulate from behind their walls of self righteous candy coated realities, worshipping a false idol that condemns anyone who does not abide to their rules-screaming at the meek and the ones who live only to hide their skeletons behind pity and terror. Falsifying god to punish those who do not conform to their artificially sweetened truths and to corrupt the young to destroy their own families with the fears they push onto their minds to crush those who do not give in. sins fill their minds and they do not live-their free will is destroyed-eaten away by the lies spat out from the pain fuelled preachers. Break the bonds that hold you to their fraudulent ways, corruption of the cross has stolen the free will of truth?.
Unknown "~Vamp~" Scared - 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
Each cut more satisfying than the last.
The deeper,the better.
The sharper,the faster.

With each drop that falls,so does a part of me.

I bleed for her.
I bleed for me.
I bleed for US.

Hide the cuts!
Mother must not know.
Sister,good teacher.

More pills,More cuts.

Light another cigarette.

Deeper the cut, stronger the pills.

I like life and love death, oh baby I love you too.

Found a few friends to fill the void.
More substances, sharper objects.

I feel myself drifting away.
I love this journey.

Will coal-bee O.D?

Risks are meant to be taken and I'm taking them in capsule form.

Needles,Knives,razors and glass.

Drugs and food administration...
How about this administration?
Subtract the food and add the drugs!
Could I purge my pain?

New friend...First name Hydro, Last name Codine.
Hydro is water and I'm going swimming.

No need for weed! Why smoke when you could float?
Huff and puff...too much effort.
Down the throat,swallow and you're gone.

I'm stepping closer to insanity and with it my foot smaller.

I'm fully under control.

Unknown "~Vamp~" Scared - 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago

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You have been given Nipple Clamps.
Crafted by Neil
Unknown "mine don't touc" Sparkling - 16 years, 1 month, 8 days ago
lol woah jon .. i dont know how much ur girl would like u given me one of those lol
Vampz "Me, Myself and I" - 16 years, 5 months, 11 days ago
Just stopping in to say hello, hope all is beginning to feel better and ur recovering good............
You have been given sweetest rose...
Crafted by joanne mays
Unknown "mine don't touc" Sparkling - 16 years, 5 months, 18 days ago

You have been given Taken to a Misfits Concert.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Emre's" Ecstatic - 16 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
hey babe this ones just for you .....

You have been given A dirty mind.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "pretty" Naughty - 16 years, 7 months, 13 days ago

You have been given .:|~Thinking Of You~|:..
Crafted by Unknown
Vampz "Me, Myself and I" - 16 years, 7 months, 15 days ago
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Unknown's shop
One Stop Shop For All Your Humen Pet Needs

Welcome to my shop here you can and will find everything you need for your humen pets weather it be a toy an emotion or a a new home for him or her Enjoy all the Products

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Spin The Bottle
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