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"My Troublemaker "

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Unknown's tales
It's 12:30pm, and i just flipped out at a pizza-bread slice.


I cooked two for a late-night snack and just after putting mayo on them, they slid off the plate and all over my bedroom floor. I was annoyed. I went back to make two more, and when i picked one up, it shot out of my hand [stupid curved shape] and went all over the kitchen. So, being a rational kinda guy...i flipped out, swore at my pizza-bread, threw it into the bin and had to be 'calmed down' by my flatmate. Apparently, he didn't understand my frustration!

Stupid pizza-bread! Curse you Chicago Town!!
Unknown "My Troublemaker " Playful - 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
My new [and first real] absolutely amazing! Note to self: Remember to treat her to a luxurious holiday & something shiny and expensive :D


My new [and first real] also amazing! Note to self: Remember to also treat her to a luxurious holiday & something shiny and expensive :D
Unknown "My Troublemaker " Playful - 17 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
This is the Edith Atkinson fund, please thumb as all points gained will be donated to this most kind and helpful woman for helping me big time! :D
Unknown "My Troublemaker " Playful - 17 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
I was recently bet a free lunch by someone in work on the deal that i would eat 5 Jacobs Crackers [without a drink] in 2 minutes. Easy monies, i thought.
As i ate the first two i noticed they seemed to both taste & feel like paste. After munching my way heroically thought 4, i found out they were out of date by about 6 months...

I was ill for 2 days. The bet was considered a draw. Now i won't eat anything without date-checking it first :|
Unknown "My Troublemaker " Playful - 17 years, 3 months, 1 day ago
So it's my 18th birthday and i'm in a Chinese resaurant with my nan [bless her], and they bring over flaming Sambuchas [which i'd never had before] and being a nice guy i took the sambucha out the waitresses hand.
One little tip and it spilled down my arm, with the fire following. Being a man i shrieked like a girl, and dropped it onto the paper tablecloth as the table went up in flames. Lesson: Never try to be the nice guy :|
Unknown "My Troublemaker " Playful - 17 years, 3 months, 5 days ago

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michael! come back to me!
McGiantJuggs Adventurous - 16 years, 9 months, 20 days ago
michael oh michael...
where for art thou michael? lol
i miss talking to you!
McGiantJuggs Adventurous - 17 years, 3 days ago
Cindy Hsu
Pad Khing Gal is some kinda Thai noodle. I forgot whats in it. Sorry.

Im sorry to hear about your bad account with the dogs. Ive had that happen to me too. I remember I had a bad dream about this black dog behind this fence. The dog really couldnt get out or anything...just you could see its head and bubble stuff coming from his mouth from barking. I had the same dream for years. It bugged me alot...I mean not normal to have the same dream day in and day out. So, asked my mom about it. She told me I was always bite by that dog. From then on...I no longer had that dream. Really weird, huh?

You can bug me whenever you like. Wont turn the lights off on you, so dont worry. Its nice to know and meet you. Hope you have a great week.
Cindy Hsu Naughty - 17 years, 11 days ago
Cindy Hsu
Yeah...I do got a weird n silly dog. He's still young so really hyper and takes alot of my time, cus he bugs for attention. I like cats too...but really never owned one...only when I was alittle kid. But might consider getting one. Cus its hard to care for dogs and being busy. But with cats its much easier to care for. I hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for checking out my profile and glad to hear you like the videos.
Cindy Hsu Naughty - 17 years, 12 days ago
ya, that's me in a towel... i just thought it was kinda artistic, so i had to put it up! lol
McGiantJuggs Adventurous - 17 years, 12 days ago
Cindy Hsu
Aww...dont worry about it. Always here when needed. I hope things are good with you though. Thanks for visiting. Take care.
Cindy Hsu Naughty - 17 years, 15 days ago
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