I wan to live my life as what I wanted for myself. Hopefully I won’t bother about other ppl life or what they are doing already. Am going to jus concentrate on my own things now on. I’ve got so many things to do too. I’m going to look forward for my own future, looking for my own happiness. If good things come my way I will take it. Some ppl, whatever u say to them its jus wasting your time & effect. No point. its not like you never say this to them, say till saliva DRIED also like that. anyway, it's up to them if they want to or not.
I jus can’t tolerate ppl who are growing older BUT they still do not know how to think of what they want for their future. They still wan to be a slacker doing things which a kid is doing. They don’t want to plan for the future BUT they wan ppl to accept what they are doing, which of cause its unacceptable. They do talk about what they want for the future BUT they never SHOW. So what’s the point in TALKING? Can’t do it, DON’T say out. Always remember ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THEN WORDS.
They claim they can’t find a job but have they really try looking for it?? Just don’t see them trying their very best but they can just tell you that its so hard to find a job now especially because of the recession period which is an excurse. If you did try HARD but still can’t find a job then it’s acceptable but the thing is that they don’t try at all. Just looking for shortcut to earn money which is not even enough to survive. They just never learn their lesson one after another.
They will try HARD when you start to nag at them about it but if u just stop nagging they will SLACK again. So best thing to do, GIVE UP. If they wan to do something they will, no point nagging at them about it. So I feel that this kind of ppl they can’t think of what they want for themselves or even plan for the future. Being with this type of ppl we will only suffer not them as to them they live day by day. Got money they spent, no money don’t spent, that simple. Sometimes I simply do not understand why they are like that. Really tired talking to them, can’t they just simply GROW UP?
Why when some guys when they have money they just spent it like water flowing down the drain, but when comes to them being broke, they don’t have a choice but to stuck themselves at home. Don’t they know what is the meaning of saving up for the future or just in case of raining days?? Worst thing is that some of them just take loan like nobody business & once they lose their job which by default they never did work there for long term too. Then from the start they should have plan their finance to see IF they are able to pay off the loan or not. Just because they just started working does not mean that they can jus take a loan THINKING that they are able to pay off. Have to work out the finance too
That’s why I feel that if u wan to look for someone, look for someone who are stable, know how to think not someone who know how to tell ppl logics but don’t use it on themselves not mature as what you think they are.
Heard this fm a friend “I hate men who don’t plan for the future. Feel no sense of security” this is VERY TRUE. How can u be with a man who don’t do planning & keep slacking or worst find shortcut to earn money??
No wonder I know why some older guys tense to look for younger women, nah its not women but GIRLS, because they don’t think about all this we are thinking, they only want to enjoy the moment being together that’s all, never even think what the future will look like for them. Unknown" YY"Sad
- 16 years, 6 days ago
Is it TRUE?
When she walks away from you mad - [Follow her] When she stare's at your lips - [Kiss her] When she pushes you or hit's you - [Grab her and don’t let go] When she start's cursing at you - [Kiss her and tell her you love her] When she's quiet - [Ask her what’s wrong] When she ignore's you - [Give her your attention] When she pulls away - [Pull her back] When you see her at her worst - [Tell her she's beautiful] When you see her start crying - [Just hold her and don’t say a word] When you see her walking - [Sneak up and hug her waist from behind] When she's scared - [Protect her] When she lay's her head on your shoulder - [Tilt her head up and kiss her] When she steal's your favorite hat - [Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night] When she tease's you - [Tease her back and make her laugh] When she doesn’t answer for a long time - [reassure her that everything is okay] When she looks at you with doubt - [Back yourself up with the TRUTH] When she say's that she like's you - [she really does more than you could understand] When she grab's at your hands - [Hold her's and play with her fingers] When she bump's into you - [bump into her back and make her laugh] When she tells you a secret - [keep it safe and untold] When she looks at you in your eyes - [don’t look away until she does] WHEN SHE MISSES YOU - [SHES HURTING INSIDE] When you break her heart - [the pain NEVER really goes away] When she says its over - [she STILL wants you to be hers]
- Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything - DON'T let her have the last word - NEVER call her hot! Pretty and beautiful is soo much better - Say you love her more than she could ever love you - Argue that she is the best girl ever - WHen she's mad hug her tight and don't let go - When she says she's ok don’t believe it, talk with her - When she says she's sorry, she truly means it - Because 10 yrs later she'll remember you - Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her - Call her before you sleep and after you wake up - Treat her like she's all that matters to you - Tease her and let her tease you back - Stay up all night with her when she's sick - Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid - Give her the world - Let her wear your clothes - When she's bored and sad, hang out with her - Let her know she's important - Kiss her in the pouring rain & When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is, "Who's ass am I kicking today baby?" Unknown" YY"Sad
- 16 years, 13 days ago
What are you waiting for? Nobody's gonna show you how Why work for someone else To do what you can do right now?
Got no boundaries and no limits If there's excitement, put me in it If it's against the law, arrest me If you can handle it, undress me
Don't stop me now, don't need to catch my breath I can go on and on and on When the lights go down and there's no one left I can go on and on and on
Give it to me, yeah No one's gonna show me how Give it to me, yeah No one's gonna stop me now
They say that a good thing never lasts And then it has to fall Those are the the people that did not Amount to much at all
Give me the bassline and I'll shake it Give me a record and I'll break it There's no beginning and no ending Give me a chance to go and I'll take it
Don't stop me now, don't need to catch my breath I can go on and on and on When the lights go down and there's no one left I can go on and on and on
Give it to me, yeah No one's gonna show me how Give it to me, yeah No one's gonna stop me now
[Pharrell:] Watch this
Get stupid, get stupid, get stupid, don't stop it (what?) Get stupid, get stupid, get stupid, don't stop it (what?) Get stupid, get stupid, get stupid, don't stop it (what?) Get stupid, get stupid, get stupid, don't stop it
Get stupid, get stupid, get stupid, don't stop it (to the left, to the right, to the left, to the right) Get stupid, get stupid, get stupid, don't stop it (to the left, to the right, to the left, to the right) Get stupid, get stupid, get stupid, don't stop it (to the left, left, right, right, left, left, right, right) Get stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid... (left, left, right, right, left, left, right, right)
Don't stop me now, don't need to catch my breath I can go on and on and on When the lights go down and there's no one left I can go on and on and on
Give it to me, yeah No one's gonna show me how Give it to me, yeah No one's gonna stop me now
You're only here to win Get what they say? You're only here to win Get what they do? They'd do it too If they were you You done it all before It ain't nothing new
You're only here to win Get what they say? You're only here to win Get what they do? They'd do it too If they were you You done it all before It ain't nothing new
Give it to me, yeah No one's gonna show me how Give it to me, yeah No one's gonna stop me now Give it to me, yeah No one's gonna show me how Give it to me, yeah No one's gonna stop me now
Give it to me Unknown" YY"Sad
- 16 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
one of my fav song when im emoing =)
Please, please forgive me, But I won't be home again. Maybe someday you'll look up, And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one: "Isn't something missing?"
You won't cry for my absence, I know - You forgot me long ago. Am I that unimportant...? Am I so insignificant...? Isn't something missing? Isn't someone missing me?
[Chorus:] Even though I'm the sacrifice, You won't try for me, not now. Though I'd die to know you love me, I'm all alone. Isn't someone missing me?
Please, please forgive me, But I won't be home again. I know what you do to yourself, I breathe deep and cry out, "Isn't something missing? Isn't someone missing me?"
And if I bleed, I'll bleed, Knowing you don't care. And if I sleep just to dream of you I'll wake without you there, Isn't something missing? Isn't something...
[Chorus] Unknown" YY"Sad
- 16 years, 1 month, 6 days ago
"Kiki's Benny"Sparkling
- 15 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
Is Anything Too Hard For God? Jeremiah 32:27 27“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me? tks for the thoughtfulness for the steamboat ;]