As many of my friends know, I have been working with for a couple of years now and I am in love with it. "What is squidoo?" you ask. Let me tell you.
Seth Godin (best selling marketing author and creator of squidoo) decided that everybody on the internet is an expert in at least one area. Seth then set up a place on the web that allows users (once they create an account) to build single web pages called lenses on whatever subjects they consider themselves experts in. This service is 100% free. There are no hidden fees and you can even opt out of their newsletters.
The cool thing about squidoo is that you can earn money from your lenses. That's right, cash. How that happens is once you get your topic decided on, you can add related affiliate links to your lens. For instance, I have a lens on the television show "Supernatural". There are all kinds of nifty links to related websites, cool facts and trivia, and even episode guides. I also have products related to the show for sale on my lens. Season 1 and 2 DVDs, the Supernatural comic book, and even other movies that Jensen and Jared have been in.
If you happen to buy any of these items, Squidoo gets half of the profit and the other half goes into your account. Then, once a month, you get that money transferred into your paypal account. The is also a wonderful setting that allows you to set your profits (you choose what percentage) to go to charities that you support. There is a huge list of non-profit organizations that are affiliated with that you can pick from.
If you'd like to see some of my lenses, please visit
My Lensmaster Page. If this looks like something you'd like to do, then click on the link in my profile area for an invite!
Unknown "Dr. Dayafter" Playful
- 17 years, 11 days ago