Layton wantsto pull out of afganistan next year WTF thats operationaly impossible
withdrawls take 5 years to do properly 1st step that must be taken to a make sure the enemy is whiped out willing to sign a sease fire for 2 years prior to you with drawl date
step two if options a and option be are not finished are the remanin allies they're and national forces trained well enough and in largeenough number to take over your duty's? no
3 with in a year of the with drawl one must commit on average 3x the resorces fo EXPAT operations this is a high risk operation as you have to pull all civilians pateiuts out of remote villages citys and towns to secured locations to tarnsport them to an air field or port to get them home these operations are massive targets for the fanatical forces such as those of the taliban which is why additional troops are needed to for these operations in addition to troops allready on the ground
4 any thing you've blown up while they're should probly be fixed first
5 if a FOB is not going to be reenforced by other personell it must be destroyd to keep it from falling into enemy hands
the job you sent men and women over they're to do must be finshed other wise those who died for the mission did for nothing do dion and taliban jack wanna piss of the now battle harded armed force's worse then they will with eqiptment supply program cut's pay cuts...? and now to let 100 of the finest men and women of this generation to have died in vien...
dion and layton don't care about canadians they're forming a coalition for them selfs
if any thing we should imideatly double our troop capacity in afganistan bringing conscription in if need be i don't care if i get conscripted i allreayd volentired 50% of those troups should be deticated to combat and security operations
20 of the remander should be combat engeionires 10% medical staff 15% as flexable capacity and the last 5 as a mike force for rapid responce
we should fuck this well we need heliocopters and buy 20 brand new UH 60 black hawks or a similar air craft at milinum B-212 hueys for moving troops around these are vital assests for peace keeping disaster realife fuck we should design and build 100% made in canada built solution to the sever lack of rotory air capalitys vital to deliver medical suplies and personel after a disaster and ammunition and troops to a warzone
DION Is not a leader he is a morron him and his party turned the finest trained army's of the world into a laughing stock neglected special operations capailitys as well as decimated canadas ability to react rapidly to emergancys by disbanding it's airborne while purchaisng used subs at the time of sale in bad shape and leavng them to rott for 5 years before taking possession when we haveship building capabilitys and could of built better newer and more environemnatly friendly vessals for much much less
our troops spend day after day away from they're familys they deserve a priminister who will make sure they have every thing they need have we forgotten the lliberals wanted to send them over with our rifles... would you want that kind of person in charge of canada if your brother sister mother fauther son or daughter where goign to deploy in a warzone leading the country???
Canadians do not run we hunker down kick ass and protect inocentlives our troops need a governemnt that will not let them die in vein so they can get a kick back from the drug money our enemys have promised them.
greg "tale weaver"
- 16 years, 3 months, 26 days ago