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"tale weaver"

greg , 37/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:15 AM
Join date:17 years, 6 months, 3 days ago
Location: What City Do You Live In? Canada

"next guy who buys me whome i do not know is really going to piss me off"
About me:
I am unlike any one you'll ever meet any one worth they're salt will know that if all you see is on the surface don't waist my time i am far deeper then your closed mind will be able to see into look into my eyes and she the shimer of rare gem stones look at the glimer what some would see as a rock those who can see throught the bullshit of society and see the priceless stone's in side of what looks like worthless grey rock to the un trained eye
About you:
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: ~~CANADIAN HERD~~, MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, Bondage Temple, Kink For Real, VIVA BDSM-S&M-D/s, We *heart* geeks.

"Crazy Mud Wuff"
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"my Gun Bitch"
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"Porn Star"
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"Monster Girl"
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"stich champion"
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"The Talented One"
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greg's tales
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kitty wants one it's called a chain saw i has some tree's i have to clear so yeah it's a fully automatic machine gun that has a practical use cutting down tree's from accross the field the muffler is used to protect my hearigng
greg "tale weaver" - 16 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
you know what i hate women with out brains women like pamila fucking anderson and para hilton, wendy cuckier and sarah brady ok the last to have no soul not no brain but i hate them just the fucking same

if your a woman and think with your feeling's and not your brain i fucking hate you you dumb bitch i feel sad is not a reason for any thing little alone actions that violate people human right's and are considered a violation of the Geneva convention like every dumb ass cunt who took up gun control cause some other dumb ass cunt decided to support gun control if women like you where furies you'd be lemmings the only animal so fucking dumb to happily fallow your friends right of off a cliff they're supposedly a masive world whide conspiracy to creat a cunt holocaust and you dumb fucker's want the government to make it illigal for you to have guns fuck your dumber then jews who support guncontrol issreal is a badd as bitch draging ejypt around the middle east like a submissive sex slave cause they decided after allmost dieing cause of the ass hole who really wanted to commit an actual holocaust cause you didn't wanna help an insensitive male you fucking insensitive whore's

what what if someone said to mark lapine you man your really hurting about this come over and and talk stay here as long as it take's till you better what if one inteligent soul had of shown him an ounce of kindness he killed forteen fucking women cause every one he asked for him for help to keep him from killing the entire school cause he was a dickless fuck who's dickless father taught him to abuse women and made him watch his father abuse his mother till his dick fell off and he be came the dickless losser. what if one god damned person on this misserable plannet showed him kindness and that it was wrong to slaughter women and showed him the kindness and love he never had i'll tell you what 14 women would still be fucking alive and i'd own an ak fucking 47 and a 90 round mag for it and hunt deer with it cause i like AK47 and lived in a free country on a wold that makes sense BUT SADLY i live in a crazy fucking place called reality where stupid cunt's exists and now perpetuate the exact immage of the asshole that mark lapine was onto every little boy in canada and propetuates' the additude that men who have been emotional hurt should be ignored and cast out by society it's sad to say cause if mark lapine whent to one of the women and said i am fucked up and wanna kill you cause you got into engionering school and i didn't that dumb as bitch would of said "deal with you sexist pig" and you wonder why this man killed 14 women gun control is wrong wrong like sex in a crib and you need to die like people who have sex with children if your offended by this your a sexist fucking bitch and you need an operation to give you a fucking heart and soul as well as fucking brain if people where kinder to others they're would be no more mass shooting's and if you disagree your dumber then George fucking bush

he're my challange to you change one fucking life for the better one measly fucking life for the better if you see someone picking on some one kick the fuckers ass and shout any bullie's wanna step up and have me rip of they're balls and feed them to him like this pathetic fuck do this on the day of the next us election every one whos e does this will go to heaven even if you commit ever sin known to god cause you did something better for this plannet if your offended because you can't accept that i am right deal with it and accept that i am right dumbass cunt

my name's greg and this morning i woke up i chose every day not to turn my life into crusade and kill all the stupid people after loosing faith in helping other cause of one of you fucks and you know what i found it and i am more loyal to the teneants of my faith then a homophobic Louisiana southern baptist minister at a barbeque i have to learn how to build drinking wells so i can help people in africa not die from fucking malaria contaminated water and this is all i have to say for now so fuck of and learn to be nice to people
greg "tale weaver" - 16 years, 3 months, 1 day ago
Layton wantsto pull out of afganistan next year WTF thats operationaly impossible

withdrawls take 5 years to do properly 1st step that must be taken to a make sure the enemy is whiped out willing to sign a sease fire for 2 years prior to you with drawl date

step two if options a and option be are not finished are the remanin allies they're and national forces trained well enough and in largeenough number to take over your duty's? no

3 with in a year of the with drawl one must commit on average 3x the resorces fo EXPAT operations this is a high risk operation as you have to pull all civilians pateiuts out of remote villages citys and towns to secured locations to tarnsport them to an air field or port to get them home these operations are massive targets for the fanatical forces such as those of the taliban which is why additional troops are needed to for these operations in addition to troops allready on the ground

4 any thing you've blown up while they're should probly be fixed first

5 if a FOB is not going to be reenforced by other personell it must be destroyd to keep it from falling into enemy hands

the job you sent men and women over they're to do must be finshed other wise those who died for the mission did for nothing do dion and taliban jack wanna piss of the now battle harded armed force's worse then they will with eqiptment supply program cut's pay cuts...? and now to let 100 of the finest men and women of this generation to have died in vien...

dion and layton don't care about canadians they're forming a coalition for them selfs

if any thing we should imideatly double our troop capacity in afganistan bringing conscription in if need be i don't care if i get conscripted i allreayd volentired 50% of those troups should be deticated to combat and security operations
20 of the remander should be combat engeionires 10% medical staff 15% as flexable capacity and the last 5 as a mike force for rapid responce

we should fuck this well we need heliocopters and buy 20 brand new UH 60 black hawks or a similar air craft at milinum B-212 hueys for moving troops around these are vital assests for peace keeping disaster realife fuck we should design and build 100% made in canada built solution to the sever lack of rotory air capalitys vital to deliver medical suplies and personel after a disaster and ammunition and troops to a warzone

DION Is not a leader he is a morron him and his party turned the finest trained army's of the world into a laughing stock neglected special operations capailitys as well as decimated canadas ability to react rapidly to emergancys by disbanding it's airborne while purchaisng used subs at the time of sale in bad shape and leavng them to rott for 5 years before taking possession when we haveship building capabilitys and could of built better newer and more environemnatly friendly vessals for much much less

our troops spend day after day away from they're familys they deserve a priminister who will make sure they have every thing they need have we forgotten the lliberals wanted to send them over with our rifles... would you want that kind of person in charge of canada if your brother sister mother fauther son or daughter where goign to deploy in a warzone leading the country???

Canadians do not run we hunker down kick ass and protect inocentlives our troops need a governemnt that will not let them die in vein so they can get a kick back from the drug money our enemys have promised them.
greg "tale weaver" - 16 years, 3 months, 26 days ago
gun owners have the right to carry they're gun to say they're chlds socer game how ever Oplophobes or people with a irrational fear of weapons have no right to say i don't want that gun here because doing so violates the US constitution

people critisised bush for the patriaot act but accepted the AWB by clinton... they're both evil unlawfull acts of evil
greg "tale weaver" - 16 years, 4 months, 21 days ago
I Fear Barack obama and many of my friends fear him others are throwing celibratins in honour of his historical acheavement as first non white president. i am saddend that this historical even will be stained with incidents of voter Intimidation Racial hate and threats of racial killings if obama didn't win by racist african amarican organisation such as the black panthers who hung out with billy clubs at polling stations

the worst is his own supporter's commiting acts that violate the 1st ammendment of lobby groups that hold values in opposition to the values of certan lobby groups who supprt president elect obama including police harassment and threats of unlawful confinement. Sorry obama the NRA has just as much right to the first ammendment as the brady campain.

now do i care that he's Black not one bit more then i would care if he was hispanic asian or native amarican infact i care less about toilet paper then of the colour of his skin it's not rotting away because of some unatual anamation of a corpes...

i simply can not feel good about a president who showed 0 regarad for the 1st ammendment before electionday to suppress the truth about his voting record where he's supported several bills and programs which violate the second ammend ment because needed to hide the fact that he is anti GUN he chose to violate the right to freedom of speach of a group fighting to protect the right of the People to keep and bear arms meaning ever amarican citizen can own military weaponry for the purpose of protecting the nation and over throwing the govement if it ever became tyranical.

(for every oen in jolly old gun banning england who say why didn't any one shoot bush it's cause every one who hatted goege bush was a proud brady campain member and none of them owned guns)

till 2012 and again in 2016 barack obama is on trial he is incocent untill proven a tyrant
greg "tale weaver" - 16 years, 4 months, 22 days ago
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You have been given Confess your sins.....
Crafted by Leesa Van Deelen
Chrissi "Tess' Prize" Playful - 16 years, 2 months, 16 days ago
come on don't be pansy i like hard bites
You have been given Bite me like you mean it.
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greg "tale weaver" - 16 years, 2 months, 16 days ago

You have been given C-7 with m203.
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greg "tale weaver" - 16 years, 2 months, 16 days ago

You have been given I Like Bite.
Crafted by BABY KILLER
Unknown "Domino" Ferocious - 16 years, 3 months, 1 day ago

You have been given Peek-a-Boo.
Crafted by Genevieve
Chrissi "Tess' Prize" Playful - 16 years, 3 months, 17 days ago

You have been given enjoy a good beating?.
Crafted by Unknown
Chrissi "Tess' Prize" Playful - 16 years, 3 months, 17 days ago
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