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Unknown's tales
( I had this dream I was in Hitler's Car and our school was for black people only and stuff)

I was at this shitty house in a kitchen and my "brothers" were there and stuff and we talked to our lady that kept care of us and left. We were out around the back and then this one ginormous black dude was like your gunna come with me I was like fuck that man. He pulled out this gun I was like well yeah I could see how we can work something out. And I got into Hitler's car and I was playing around in the back and I found out that the back seats pull out and you could see whatever was in the trunk. And I was like hey who wants to see what's in the trunk. And they were like no fuck that man. I was like come on it won't be scary. And I kinda pulled down the middle seat and seen what looked like a dead body and I was like OH GOD. and pushed it back up they were all scared too. All this time we're driving along and stuff and then I was like ahhh and tried a different cushion and yeah same thing. So then I was like fuck it and pulled the middle one down and they all came down and there was just a fly swatter thing without a handle but a string and I laughed and so did they. Then we got out of Hitler's car and we were all at the front of the parking lot and before we were at the back so I was like what that doesn't make sense but we kept going. And we walked to taco bell and there were these white chicks shooting paintball guns at us and then one of our brothers fell down cuz he was shot a bunch in the back. So I took cover and I started running around the building and my brothers started following me I was like dude you have a gun you should be going the other way and he was like no I'm scared and I was like damn nigger. And we started walking and I said stay here and he was like okay and I started sneaking and they followd me and I was like stop moving and their like okay and I moved again and they followed so I was like shit and one of them confronted a lady in a pink shirt. And I was like oh god. And I ran around the building really fast and seen she was only looking for me. I was like oh god and ran the other way. I don't exactly remember what happened next to end that battle but yeah. I was at the house again and our lady was making pancakes and stuff for me and my brothers and I wanted one with icing sugar and a shit load of whipped cream on it and they were like okay you fairy but they all already did the same thing. So I went to where the icing sugar was but I couldn't find the machine that was giving the icing sugar out even though it was just right there so I was like I'm not hungry. And they put the dishes away and this little black dude that was all fast and stuff and little put the dishes in the wrong sink part and the lady got mad and she's like if you weren't such a dumbass we wouldn't have this problem and he was like well whatever. And filled up one sink with water and put the other ones over and then I woke up after that.
Unknown "McLovin" Frisky - 16 years, 8 months, 11 days ago
So I fought the manager of McDonalds because he told some guy that this idea he had for a company... some big word that meant sucked. And the guy was like but I worked so hard on it and I was like dude that's my idea wtf. And then he left somethin about pizza. And the manager said something about I dunno another big word I can't remember and I said that's because you like it in the rectumaniam and I know that word rhymed with the word he said first. And I was like Oh no what are you going to do fire me. Even though I was sleeping on the table that people prepare food. So I got up to leave cuz I was hoping he was gunan fire me. I went for the door and he was like no I won't fire you I'm gunna teach you a lesson and I was like what. He grabbed this big metal bar and swung it at me and hit me right in the face and I was like that's not really cool. I grabbed a piece that broke off on my face and he hit me again so I was just lying there and he took the piece of bar from me and started laughing and he said something about banning that word all together. Then I seen a bunch of hangman games falling down as he started singing. And each hangman song there was a dude swinging in the air from a noose or whatever and the letters. Then he said something about a bra and _ _ _ _ _ _ eagle was one of the hangman words. And yeah that was that
Unknown "McLovin" Frisky - 16 years, 8 months, 11 days ago
So there I was in my buddy's Expedition. Just so you understand it's brand new fully loaded and I always sit in the back where the seats are raised and there are extra lights and what not. I call this the V.I.P. seating. There is a window I pull down so no one can see me back there and speakers if I decide I want to talk to them. Anyways in this seating I found that no one really wants to eat at Arby's and I knew imminent danger was afoot. So we went there and I seen what appeared to be a group of Anti-Semite Norweigan small people at the back of the restaurant. All of them had an odd tint of hair that I had never seen before. After we had ordered our food and curly fries. I had turned and noticed the small group of Anti-Semite Norweigan small people. And then I had realized that I was really in a coliseum and not Arby's and what I had ordered was fight to the death with a side of Gladiator. They came straight at me. Norweigan small people to the left of me, Norweigan small people to the right of me. I was surrounded. Not knowing what to do next I did a flying roundhouse kick. Knocking over several of them. They got up seemingly unaffected by the kick of doom. They came straight at me and were climbing up my legs. I started grabbing them and throwing them into each other. It appeared that they had no idea what pain was. From my previous engagements with miniature warriors I knew that they most definitely had at least one point in which they would submit. After trying everything I could think of I knew that my life would be over if I didn't act fast. Being crumpled underneath 30 of these mini warriors I had to do anything. Without thinking I took my free hand which only had two of these small Norweigans on it and forced it downwards onto one of their heads. Crushing what seemed to be either a rock or a head. They all yelped and hopped off of me. It seemed as though I had found their leader. Looking over I noticed the one that I had hit. Apparantly they were actually babies. Their soft spots were their weaknesses. I heard Kylorr The Mighty yell out HE HAS THAT GLEAM IN HIS EYE; At this I started smacking the Norweigan babies into the ground one by one. After pelting several in the head they all began to bow before my 6'3 self and said they wouldn't do this again. I told them I shall become their king being the only one who knows their weakness. They gladly obliged. Ever since I have been known as the all mighty gladiator.
Unknown "McLovin" Frisky - 16 years, 8 months, 11 days ago

Jessie P

You have been given Laughter The Best Medicine.
Crafted by Joelle
Jessie P "~mJessK~ " Confused - 16 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
here you go everyone needs one of these
You have been given a fancy pigeon.
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Unknown "Ambie's Kitty" - 16 years, 7 months, 29 days ago
Unknown "Snuggle Bug" Adventurous - 16 years, 8 months, 5 days ago
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