O bird flying on the tips of this world If you could only tell them about me O bird, O bird...
Go ask her when she is alone wounded with remedies of no avail pained and not telling anyone and in her memory recur her nights of childhood.... O bird....
O bird while you carry with you the color of trees there's nothing here but boredom and longing I wait with the sun's eye and on the coldness of the stones Nervouse and my hands of yearning kills me o bird...
By your feathers and my days together By the thorned-rose and the blowing winds if you are going toward them where the winds are crazy and where love to erupt again take me even for one minute and return me. O bird....
Unknown"♥ joud ♥ "Lazy
- 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
Of all the cartoons I remmeber as A Child.... I'd have to say "ATOM ANT" is the one I seriously dont want to remember, but yesterday I had a dream that everyone I knew here in the US were an "ANT", but some how I dremt that they were a Halusinating "ANT".... I kept on thinking about the dream today, and then Ihad a small conversation while I was sitting with my uncle on the table eating some pritty good Yogurt & Zukini.... My Uncle Said," So this is the dream isnt it?" Me," What is?" My Uncle," The dream that everyone not in the US dreams of." Me,"You mean eating Zukini? Because we have this in Lebanon..." My Uncle," No, not the Zukini, but the easy life..." Me, "Well it is different...." My Uncle ," From the first time I ever came here I knew I would live here forever, The land of Oppertunity." Me, "Yeah so your dream was to work everyday till 6 and then go to sleep at 7 and then wake up for another day of work at 6 in the morning?" My Uncle," huh...I didnt hear what you said??" Me,"Yeah this is the life..."
How was I to explain to him that Oppertunity is nothing but the Oppiate of the masses.... Akh I guess I'll just join the crowd while I'm here and become another Halusinating "ATOM ANT"......
Unknown"♥ joud ♥ "Lazy
- 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
Ok so I did the quize where you find out how many 5 year olds You can take on at once, and I guess I can take down 34 of them basterds down with me!!!! This is my score whats yours??? 34 Unknown"♥ joud ♥ "Lazy
- 17 years, 9 days ago
As a mad scientist, what insane schemes would you concoct?
I would creat a device that would send this whole world with me to a parallel Universe where William Hung would be considered the King of Rock, The Queen Of Pop and The Prince of Music......Where there would be no songs but his and his only.... Evile Evile ME HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ........ I think I`m enjoying thinking about it way too much.....Its time to desighn the evile device.....HAHHAHHAHHAHHA
PS. This message was inspired by William Hung. Thank You William.
I love this song.... If you like it too thumb me, if not then just give me shit for putting it up here... Either way i get attention, I dont care hahahhaahahahaha "Freddie Mercury" his real name is "Farrokh Bulsara "....
If your looking for a cool gift, then dont cool around!!! Come cool our cool store, maybe we can cool you out with something as cool and cute as the person you want to cool cute your way to their heart.... You think thats cool?? Comon coolness, Cool around!!!