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"♥~ James"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Tentatively Titled, The Booty call
36750 pts

"Beloved Friend"
31500 pts

"Wide Hips"
130 pts

110 pts

80 pts

"Lizzy Bug"
70 pts

"Btween Toes"
60 pts
50 pts

"Th Gr8t Nova"
50 pts
"THE Demon"
50 pts

"The Fritz"
50 pts
Unknown's tales
Tender Thought

I know this thought
Isn't what you sought,
And I ought t' be able
To say it's over.
Yet, I can't come
To such a thought.
My mind won't wrap
Itself around it;
This Love stays lit,
I'll never move on.

Such a tender thought
Breaking Night's hold
And bringing Dawn's touch;
Please, hold me close,
I have need of such.

You came to end it,
You came with determination,
Yet you didn't count on silly emotion,
And for that we both hurt.
Though I bleed in the dirt,
And You have no further need
Of my Hopes and Dreams.
I served my purpose,
I played my part,
I gave my heart,
And now I can't move on.

Such a tender thought
Breaking Night's hold
And bringing Dawn's glow;
Please, hold me close,
I can't handle another blow.

Days pass and weeks wind,
You find another to take my place,
And look at him with a tender face.
It is in his rms
You take refuge from
The World's harsh harms;
And I lie at Night,
Gazing through empty Starlight
At the place we shared.
I realize you no longer care
But I will never move on.

Such a tender thought
Breaking Night's hold
And bringing Dawn's warmth;
Please, hold me close,
I need jus' one more memory...
Unknown "♥~ James" Lazy - 16 years, 5 months, 28 days ago
Untitled Fool

One man, standing before the din of Night,
Howls out in despair,
Pulling upon his hair,
Beating his chest,
And bending to his knees.
"I did only my Best!"
Silence is all that answers him
And Darkness is all he sees.
The devil stares from eyes of black
Grinning with pure delight
As He blows out our Light.
The world soon becomes dim
And the Pheonix screeches for change
But Life resounds in response
Then the man's soul moves out of range
And all falls, tears, and rifts apart.
The devil stares from eyes of black
Grinning with pure delight
As He blows out our Light.
The mere act tore at my Heart
And We are to blame
And we hold the shame.
No matter how we squirm
Or Worm around it
It falls to us, Humanity.
The devil stares from eyes of black
Grinning with pure delight
As He blows out our Light.
Unknown "♥~ James" Lazy - 16 years, 6 months, 11 days ago
Flight Upon Wings of Faith

It all lies before glaring with the setting Sun; your heart had left long beofre evening dared our frail world. You never had the faith and depth to hold one through the night and it was with the fading light that you fled the scene. You knew much of how the great should be ; how they should walk, talk, act, look, dress, and what the should believe. You knew much and thought you knew more but little did you know of love and less of Life. She's a cruel tutor and takes no excuses, so I pleaded for you to do your best with your first throw, but you dropped the stone and walked away. And the day wears on while the night swiftly glides foreward to take the remaing pieces of that shattered Love.

They say time shall heal all but I know deep down they lie. My Savior has been by my side calling forward any and all who He believes will guide me and help me. Sometimes He evens ones who have need to break the hold of your posionous venom. They push me into compassion and bring forth affection to wash away the stains you left upon my Soul. And each time I help or am helped I come closer to a sense of Whole which as been missing since the day you quietly walked away. And my Heart shall never be the same, nor shall my soul burn with the same flame; but they shall take on a stronger form and a more complete flow. It is in that day That I shall stand up, remove my robes, and take flight upon wings of Faith. I shall soar to a place you will only dream of, a place where my Father, Savior, and Spirit reside with my entire Family. We shall sit in Peace, Praise, and Prayer. All are welcome but few are willing.
Unknown "♥~ James" Lazy - 16 years, 6 months, 11 days ago
It is time to enter the Dragon's Soul,
One that is as bklack as coal
And burns with a rage,
That consumes this new Age
It is here that heros are made
Tested by truth of their Blade.
Beneath these gleaming scales
We shall begin our tale.
It shall be a story
Of the grandest glory
One whch will stand
Before all the land,
Until the very end of time
And many a rhyme
Shall be versed upon our deeds
And we shall see to the people's needs
As we make our way into Legend
AS we make our last stand, our end.
And in the end we shall find a peace
And there we will rest with ease.
For our soul shall finally be saved
Once we lie in our grave.
Unknown "♥~ James" Lazy - 16 years, 7 months, 12 days ago
My heart fades and falls apart
And in the dark of the Night
I look north for a familar Light
Only to see the soft glow of your Face
And My mind begins to Race...

Oh, I want to Yell
That time will only tell.
Life, I beg, stand firm
Life, please confirm
All that as befell...

My Soul slowly whirls into a hole
And it is Her wake,
As I begin to shake,
Then I begin to cry,
Oh, it was all a lie...

Oh, I want to Yell
That time will only tell.
Life, I beg, stand firm
Life, please confirm
All that as befell...

My mind shall never find
All of the looming answers
And like a raging cancer
I am slowly consumed
Never to truly resume...
Unknown "♥~ James" Lazy - 16 years, 7 months, 29 days ago

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what have you been doing, mr. owens?
Kelly "Miss Kelly NFS" ~sassy~ - 15 years, 7 months, 17 days ago

You have been given the making's of a tea-party.
Crafted by Anoushka
Kelly "Miss Kelly NFS" ~sassy~ - 15 years, 9 months, 23 days ago

You have been given Aww... Thanks for petting me.
Crafted by Sean Casey
Unknown " nettes" Curious - 15 years, 10 months, 16 days ago
You have been given kitty rock.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "thecatinthehat" Adored - 15 years, 10 months, 25 days ago
Nom nom....
Unknown "thecatinthehat" Adored - 15 years, 11 months, 2 days ago

You have been given Hugs & Kisses.
Crafted by Ming
Kelly "Miss Kelly NFS" ~sassy~ - 15 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
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