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"♥ 50Luv ت"
Unknown's tales
The difference in a diamond and rock, is people haven't seen the beauty of being ordinary...
Unknown "♥ 50Luv ت" Wild
- 16 years, 9 months, 25 days ago
Sagittarius - Your natural exuberance keeps you afloat. Moon in opposition causes unpredictability but, despite the chopping and changing of plans, you shrug off disappointments and roll with the punches. Your high spirits are a stress reliever. 13/3/08 So true....lets just hope my "natural exuberance" keeps me afloat for longer....
Unknown "♥ 50Luv ت" Wild
- 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago
Times like these where you can just give up or keep it up. Sometimes it just isn't enough to be by yourself, sometimes you just wished there was someone there. I guess I gave up on that idea ages ago, probably cause I'm too scared to be affectionate to anyone....=) Good news is that i'm still the joking person everyones know me to be, even if something is killing me inside... Is there going to be a day where I feel happy for real?
Unknown "♥ 50Luv ت" Wild
- 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago
Patients, assignments, no life, its all taking its tolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. Ohhh well X) I'm going to go get myself a drink! >_>
Unknown "♥ 50Luv ت" Wild
- 16 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
I thought dreams were meant to tell you things, meant to be a way of your subconscious consolidating what you currently feel, maybe explaining why you currently feel that way. Sometimes they may just be random (although even then you can still remember symbols that identify you, or you identify with)... So why do my dreams confuse me. Why do i still have dreams of one person? And no, this person neither has any connections with me previously...nor will ever. So why do I always seem to relate to her the best...in my dreams. Even if in real life...I don't relate with her at all. Why do I always feel like in my dreams that she is the one. Even if in real life...She's anything but. ARGHHHhhh Why are my dreams always making me confused!?!?!
Unknown "♥ 50Luv ت" Wild
- 17 years ago
Fu's awesome pad
This is the place, the place to shop! Why!??! Cause I have everything you need!? Mwahhaha
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