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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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"vegas elle"

Unknown, 68/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:9:24 AM
Join date:16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
Location: United States

About me:
I am a licensed massage therapist living in the State of Hawaii. I love life and living it happily. There are no bad days for me anymore because I realize now that whatever happens to me does so for a reason. Even "bad" things happen because there is something I need to learn from it. I am a work in progress and I grow inside everyday. When we stop growing, that is when we start to die. I embrace spirituality rather than organized religion and believe love and laughter are the best medicine for healing the heart and uplifting the spirit. I also believe the body is but a package that holds the true present. Us. Discover the gift within the heart of others and you will see their true worth. I believe the best gifts in life are those that come from the heart. A hug, a touch, a kind word cost nothing, but may mean the world to someone else. Always give the best part of yourself to others so that when your life is over you can look back on how you lived, and move on without regrets. MySpace Backgrounds
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Elle's Shakalaka
Herds: Steven's Graze Team, ~The BatCave~, Mental Retreat, byron's thumbs up!, Liza's thumbprints, phoenix, shelter
Shawn Cool
Shawn Cool
28942 pts
Unknown's tales
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Hi Everyone. I just wanted to remind you that I have pretty much ceased coming to HP. I am pretty sure I will be leaving this site entirely before much longer. For those of you with my email address, please email me there instead of here if you have something you want to tell me. I might come here only about once a week, if that.

Take care all and have a great week.

Unknown "vegas elle" - 16 years, 6 months, 23 days ago
Click on this link to see a video of Hawaii scenery. This video was filmed on the island of Oahu where I live. Enjoy.

Unknown "vegas elle" - 16 years, 7 months, 3 days ago
I gave my pet James Lee back to himself since I am hardly on this site now. If anyone would like to buy him, please do. He is an active pet and we had a great time while it lasted. Here is the link to his page.

Unknown "vegas elle" - 16 years, 7 months, 12 days ago
Hi everyone. I just wanted to let you know that I am taking a break from thumbing and posting. I may do it now and then if I feel like it but right now I am so burned out with it.
I'm going to spend more time with my husband. I will also be practicing poker and dice controlling more. I've been away from poker too long and have gotten rusty.

At this time I am not going to leave altogether but I may in the future. More than likely I will keep my profile and visit when the mood strikes.

I love you all. Take care.


Unknown "vegas elle" - 16 years, 7 months, 15 days ago
The Whispering Stone

The island of Molokai is among the smallest islands in population and to protect themselves from being overrun and taken over by warring kings from other islands, they became a strong spiritual presence in the Hawaiian chain. They became so powerful that the island of Molokai became known as, "The place where prayers come true." It was said that the priests of Molokai were so powerful they could pray people to death and soon the warring chiefs would not dare attack the little island. To this day, Molokai, with a population of only about 6,000 people is largely unspoiled by the modern world.

You will not find a single street light on the island, or a 7-11, shopping mall, Walmart, super market or big name store. There is only one bakery on the entire island and 2 gas stations. The one movie theater has closed and the one large hotel, owned by Molokai Ranch has closed down. There is only one place you can rent DVD's there too. It's a very quiet and low key place with only 2 places you can go to after 9:00 p.m. to have a drink and shoot the breeze or perhaps sing some karaoke.

It is here on the island of Molokai you will find the "Whispering Stone." The legend behind this stone which sits along the side of a road heading down to Halawa is that in ancient times, people would whisper their names to the stone and state their practical needs which would then be granted. Here is a picture of the stone.

Unknown "vegas elle" - 16 years, 7 months, 18 days ago
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wish to see you around soon my friend, have a great weekend!
Have a happy weekend my friend You have been given Have a happy weekend my friend.
Crafted by Aileen Sungahid
nicholas "Ami Pacifique" Sparkling - 16 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
I know that you are in Vegas but just wanted to wish you a Merry and Bright Christmas!!!
Love you!!
You have been given ღWishing You A Merry Xmasღ.
Crafted by Liza
Liza "140/150" Tired - 16 years, 3 months, 9 days ago
Mr Wolf

You have been given i treasure your friendship.
Crafted by Mr Wolf
Mr Wolf "Diable déguisé" Loyal - 16 years, 3 months, 18 days ago

You have been given A winter paradise.
Crafted by Lynn
Liza "140/150" Tired - 16 years, 3 months, 22 days ago

You have been given I Love You So Much...
Crafted by markos markopoulos
Liza "140/150" Tired - 16 years, 3 months, 22 days ago
Just came to say hi!!
Miss you sis!!! Hope you are fine!!!!
How is Dave???
I don't have much free time... I will email you soon!!
You have been given Season's Greetings.
Crafted by Lady Chandra
Liza "140/150" Tired - 16 years, 3 months, 22 days ago
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Unknown's shop
The House Of Light

This shop focuses on gifts that say "I like you, I love you, I appreciate you, I'm thinking about you and "You are special to me".

Give someone you care about a gift of pleasure and fun and let them know how much they mean to you.

Life is short so live fully, love unconditionally, forgive easily and enjoy the ride.

Thank you for shopping.

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Something beautiful just for you
1 use

145 pts
Something beautiful just for you
Bought by 48 people
Unconditional love
1 use

125 pts
Unconditional love
Bought by 9 people
Have a beautiful weekend
1 use

145 pts
Have a beautiful weekend
Bought by 73 people
A secret island paradise
1 use

145 pts
A secret island paradise
Bought by 16 people
May beauty surround you today
1 use

145 pts
May beauty surround you today
Bought by 66 people
May all you wish be yours today
1 use

145 pts
May all you wish be yours today
Bought by 21 people
A smile to brighten your day
1 use

145 pts
A smile to brighten your day
Bought by 45 people
Sunshine to light up your day
1 use

145 pts
Sunshine to light up your day
Bought by 139 people
You have truly touched my life
1 use

145 pts
You have truly touched my life
Bought by 65 people
Dancing in the rain
1 use

145 pts
Dancing in the rain
Bought by 80 people
Have a beautiful day
1 use

145 pts
Have a beautiful day
Bought by 81 people
Universal energy
1 use

145 pts
Universal energy
Bought by 56 people
You bring light into my life
1 use

145 pts
You bring light into my life
Bought by 61 people
Your souls sweet reflection
1 use

145 pts
Your souls sweet reflection
Bought by 55 people
Time to daydream
1 use

145 pts
Time to daydream
Bought by 70 people
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