What was the last hot thing you touched?
ummm... O.o i guess my dinner last night
When was the last time you were given roses?
its been a while...
Have you ever been in a pageant?
Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning?
depends.. i take them when i need to that day.. could be morning - could be night.. in the past i have been known to take 2
Have you ever had your blood taken?
yup.. sucky... bu then again.. i donate too..
Do you have an eating disorder?
As a child did you ever take swimming lessons?
from Grandpa
What was the last movie you watched in theaters?
Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (funny as hell!!)
Do you have siblings?
Yup! Ash - then a step sister and step brother
Ever had braces?
nope.. i got lucky
When was the last time you kissed the last person you kissed?
ummmmm O.o
What are two things you get made fun of a lot for?
being short ... and old.... O.o screw you CT!!! lol
How old are your brothers and sisters?
Ash is 16, not positive... -> Kim is 39, and jay is 37
When was the last time you cried?
im not sure.. i have been pretty happy for a few weeks... maybe a tear here and there... but not sure when
What was your favorite movie as a child?
Not sure...
Do you know any one with the same name as you?
I do... miss Jaclyn Brody aka.. Jac :)
Have you ever been to Disney World?
a LONG time ago
What do you smell like?
right now - im not so sure... O.o but im sure its something good.. lol
Whats your favorite month?
Do people ever misspell your name?
Are you a mean person?
not generally.. i CAN be - but generally i've been known to be too nice
What was the last sporting event you watched?
When you're home alone, do you still close the door when you shower?
Not all the way.. gotta hear my music....
Has a friendship ended recently that you wish hadnt?
it hasn't ended - but its strained.... and i am a bit saddened about it..
You win the $100 million power-ball lottery: What do you do?
bend over and let the government take their 50% - then get my parents a house.. get me a house.. and a car... and then put the rest towards the kids education
Are you a beach person or a snowy mountain person?
i like both.. but i must admit i LOOOOVE the beach.. and miss it!! :(
Can you watch scary movies alone?
Soft bed or firm?
as long as its comfortable... i dont care
Would you rather stay home all day, or be out and about?
depends on my mood.... lately i like being out.. been taking in a lot of nature...
Do you like to keep the peace or be confrontational?
generally i keep the peace... im done fighting and arguing.. but i will fight for what i have to....
Are you more likely to be with a large group of people or a few close friends
a few close friends
Where would you like to live?
by the beach
What is your ideal profession?
not sure... i was wanting to work in the music industry somehow.. but that wont happen here.... so now im not sure...
What is one fear that you have?
Are you good in math?
umm... basic math.. lol...
Whats stashed under your bed?
umm.. lol.. nothing....
Is there anyone you regret ever meeting?
no... everyone comes into our life for a reason
Would you rather have roommates or live alone?
not sure... live alone i guess... but roommates can be fun...
What is your favorite thing to wear?
my pirate t-shirt... but i need a new one.... =[
Do you give money to homeless people when they ask?
to them or random people that ask ... if i have it...
Missing someone?
all the time..
You're having a bad day, whats one thing that can make your day better?
talking to one of my friends - or listening to music...
Do you still like to be held sometimes?
of course i do!
Do you keep secrets well?
Can you sing?
i like to think i can.. and been told i can.. but am not sure i can... lol
Where do you buy your underwear?
Any plans for today?
not that i know of... but that could always change....
Looking forward to anything?
nothing thats set in stone.... but i guess just spending time with my friends...
Shmuffin "Barry'sShmuffin" Loyal
- 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago