A fateful day is nearing us and wonders we'll behold,
For it's a day meant for all guys, all males young and old,
The gifts that we'll receive include a pretty pink bouquet
Of meat and open mouths, for it's Steak and a Blowjob Day!
Instead of heart-shaped chocolates, we get a one-pound steak,
Instead of kisses on our cheek, it's kisses on our snake,
Instead of playing Barry White, we get a Foreman grill,
Instead of long, romantic walks, it's just until we spill.
Now some will always wonder, "Wow! Is this all it takes?
A quick work of my tongue and mouth and just a couple steaks?"
But yes, of course that's all it is, we guys are simple folk,
But don't forget the A1 sauce and please try not to choke.
Unknown Tired
- 17 years, 2 days ago