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"playful pam"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Careful...... We Bite, THUMBERS ANONYMOUS, x, htid

30000 pts

60 pts

"Dorky porky"
60 pts
Unknown's tales
Part 1:
It was a harsh winter. The harshest I had ever seen; yet outside the sun was blazing hot and there wasn't a patch of snow in sight. Spiritually, of course, my body was filled to the chest with snow - freezing snow. Outside, the bitter cold of the winds icy blows struck me to the face and I was blind for meer seconds. Spiritually, yet again. I was a lost soul traveling the confined spaces of the city made of basically skin and bones. A walking skeleton, if you will. I didn't mind, however. As long as I wasn't in the company of another being stroked and 'loved.' Pfft. It makes me gag to think of what this love could possibly be. All I see it to be is cuddling, kissing and all this crap. Gah, to think about it makes my stomache churn.
Sometimes, as I make my appearance to take the droppings of the passing people, I get those, "Awwe, what a cute little darling kitty. Pity though." Pity? Why pity me? I pity you filthy beings with every morsel my body contains. Stupid imbociles. If only they knew what I knew. Saw the world for what I saw. As I think these thoughts my stomache grumbles. I smile, for it lets me know I'm still alive. For how long; I do not know. Deep within my spirit I hope soon, but my heart aches at the thought of not beating... Not waking... these thoughts drift in and out of my conscious as my tired eyes shut, my breathing slows, and I sleep. I remember thinking I'm not going to rise to see tomorrow. I remember smiling at death and it grimacing back at me. Oh how I miss his gourgeous face. Take me death, but my heart says no.
Unknown "playful pam" Playful - 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
-The beginning-
It started at birth, perhaps. I can't quite place my paw on the exact time or moment. However, I do believe it was that first glimpse of life that I started going mad. Coming into a world of confusion and axiety is likely is the reason of my madness. This world had nothing to offer to me of interest so I do not show interest in the world.
I do not know love. Do not know what the term means but I have heard it uttered beneath silent tongue. I do not know what it means to love and to be loved.
Untamable they all said, and it was my curse at first breath. It haunts me upon every wake. I can not change my ways, not that I even want to. I like walking alongside death's company. It whispers sweet sorrow into my veins. My life is all lived for the pain and turmoil.
But it saddens me to know that my own mother knew not of what to do with me, so she sent me away to be pleasure for those wretched beings, those humans. That is what fed my angst and hatred to which I became much more fierce and angry with the world. More angry than I had ever been. I will not cease this monstrous power, nor shall I dare. I am a wild fire started midst a dry and austere forest. Dare to put this wild fire out? Quench my thirst for the knowledge outside this dark and dusty box I've accustomed myself to.
No owner has ever tamed a beast such as myself, and if it's in your will to do so, please do. Because every animal has a heart, somewhere. Every animal has a reason of life - I've yet to find mine.
Can you tame the untamable?

(If you'd like to be in my short story, buy me and message me and I'll add you in. But I doubt you're going to be able to tame this wild kittie.)

-Pamela Cormier
Unknown "playful pam" Playful - 17 years, 1 month, 27 days ago

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Gustavo Marin
hi!!! how are you doing??
Gustavo Marin "hot hot boy" - 16 years, 6 months, 19 days ago
Michael Quinn
Just to say Hey! I love this little guy. Bet a bought 10 of them for friends so far!
You have been given killer teddy.
Crafted by
Michael Quinn "Genius@work" Rabid - 17 years, 23 days ago
Michael Quinn
Egads...I wake this morning and find myself in strange surroundings..wondeering WTF and where am I. Then to find out you are going to write songs when I ask...I do the smae thing working on a song as we write....Kool...Hey take care of me!!! I'm sensitive and I want to stay that
Michael Quinn "Genius@work" Rabid - 17 years, 23 days ago
hey gave u thumbs ups till paige 12 and did ur tales
Unknown "~My Pet~" Emo - 17 years, 25 days ago
Thumbed all ten pages :) plz rtf here

thanks, Pamela :)
Unknown - 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
all 10 pages thumbed cutie...RTF if you like ;)
Unknown "FOR SALE" Sexy - 17 years, 1 month, 5 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Pamela's odds and ends

We sell anything which deems necessary for good pet-owner skills. All the pet photos found in this shop are my pets. Cute ah? :)

Rabbit food dish
1 use

200 pts
Rabbit food dish
Bought by 7 people
Swinging mouse toy
1 use

300 pts
Swinging mouse toy
Bought by 1 people
Grocery bag
1 use

200 pts
Grocery bag
Bought by 7 people
Kitten cage
1 use

400 pts
Kitten cage
Bought by 4 people
Dog's bouncy ball
1 use

300 pts
Dog's bouncy ball
Bought by 2 people

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