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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 60 points.


Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): Superdooper Yeti Herd
Herds: PATRICK belongs to Miko, 5 Word Storytellers, CHAOS 666, >***---Fans of Earth---***<, Great Lady Ava the Goddess
Unknown's tales
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I bought a bass geetarr.
It's well ace. I've been learning all my favourite songs! XD
But now I have no money to buy food and cigs... So I have to serenade myself for consolation!
Unknown "yeti" Serene - 16 years, 11 months ago
I got my nipple pierced...
Unknown "yeti" Serene - 16 years, 11 months, 21 days ago
Because I'm currently job hunting, my hair requires a bit of topiary... It's such a shame, I spent quite a few pennies on this mop chop I have now, but it is admittedly becoming a bit overgrown.

I'm going to miss having longish hair... Being able to waft it about to my favourite tunes, run my hands through it and hiding my eyes behind my fringe when I can't be bothered with looking at stuff anymore.

It's like the end of an era.

On the other hand...
It had been a while since I could do a shampoo mohawk though. You know, one that actually stays there! That'll be cool. So it's not all bad!
Unknown "yeti" Serene - 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
I remember when I was at highschool my head teacher was giving a lecture to us in Assembly. At the end of this especially long arduous rant the pompous git said: "It's cooooool to achieve". It's no wonder I'm a bum. He's ruined my life -sniff-
Unknown "yeti" Serene - 17 years, 2 months, 6 days ago
This is my myspace description I wrote last time I was drunk after a very crazy gathering:


Guten Morgen mein leiblings something. I am Yettomon, King of Yeti's. I live in the Tudor sometimes and I have no friends. Well, I do, but not enough to warrant any kind of inflated level of self esteem. I watch X-tube because it's been approved by a lesbian called Louise. What better excuse can you get for watching girl on girl porn?

The great thing about me is that I make jokes about sex, but really I don't get much and I'm really desperate for any kind of affection, be you a girl or a guy, it makes little difference to me.

But the operative word in that previous sentence is little. I am, in fact, a straight guy who goes off to this big warehouse place on weekdays, doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and I've got stuck in a loop. Give me more beer Tiny. -glug-

URGH! That's strongbow you bitch. Yes, strongbow sucks. It's far too sweet for my refined taste buds, which are better than yours in EVERY respect. I occasionally smoke. By occasionally, I mean, all the time. I like to smoke in chains. It's one way I pleasure myself. There's nothing quite like tying yourself to inanimate objects with chunky, heavy links of metal whilst having a good puff. Oh dear. My sense of humour is so crap. kill me please.

PS. I'm not gay, I'm just cool.
Unknown "yeti" Serene - 17 years, 2 months, 7 days ago
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You have been given Naked Santa.
Crafted by Kimberly Quon
Unknown "Punk Rock Yeti" Uncertain - 16 years, 3 months, 16 days ago
snap!! I think you are busier than me ...& I just had a baby!!!
well...since you don't have time & I'm pro...thought I'd change ya!
You have been given diaper changing.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Punk Rock Yeti" Uncertain - 16 years, 6 months, 28 days ago

You have been given I can't brain today...
Crafted by Vikkie
Unknown "Punk Rock Yeti" Uncertain - 16 years, 9 months, 13 days ago

You have been given Pirate Princess Pickle Bunny.
Crafted by Christyne
Unknown "Punk Rock Yeti" Uncertain - 16 years, 9 months, 13 days ago
Ava Kun-Aisika Seth
u r a god pet of mine but we haven't talk that much lately so I hope u good luck with everything Sean! I always here to support u! xoxo Have a Great Day!!!
Ava Kun-Aisika Seth "☆ Lady Ava ☆" ♥ Love as much as I live ♥ - 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
Ava Kun-Aisika Seth
hey baby Sean! how u doin'!?
Hope u have a wonderful day!!!
I didn't see u come up here lately!!! U'r gone from HP! come back!!! haha! ttyl xoxo
You have been given ~A fairy to watch over you~.
Crafted by
Ava Kun-Aisika Seth "☆ Lady Ava ☆" ♥ Love as much as I live ♥ - 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Yeti's shop of fluffiness

For all the things you little yeti's need.

Angry Yeti's fighting equipment
1 use

130 pts
Angry Yeti's fighting equipment
Bought by 40 people
Cuddly Yeti
1 use

149 pts
Cuddly Yeti
Bought by 29 people
Devil's cabbage leaves
1 use

149 pts
Devil's cabbage leaves
Bought by 24 people
Fruit Helmet
1 use

101 pts
Fruit Helmet
Bought by 67 people
Marshmellow Fluff
1 use

101 pts
Marshmellow Fluff
Bought by 30 people
Invisible Sandwich
1 use

101 pts
Invisible Sandwich
Bought by 77 people
Crown Jewels
1 use

400 pts
Crown Jewels
Bought by 14 people
Yeti Monster Truck
1 use

199 pts
Yeti Monster Truck
Bought by 2 people
Pencil Sharpener
1 use

101 pts
Pencil Sharpener
Bought by 44 people
A Blind Date With Cilla Black
1 use

200 pts
A Blind Date With Cilla Black
Bought by 3 people
Tags so you never lose your yeti
1 use

101 pts
Tags so you never lose your yeti
Bought by 14 people
Toilet training course
1 use

101 pts
Toilet training course
Bought by 68 people
A Brucey Bonus
1 use

200 pts
A Brucey Bonus
Bought by 12 people

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