As I said before, yes, I WILL listen... Don't compare me to other people in your past for I am unlike anyone you have ever known...So, the offer still stands, if u feel the need to confide in me, I am here for you as a friend.
You have been given a hug.
"Mishti Meye"Thirsty
- 17 years, 20 days ago
I appreciate your consideration of not wanting to upset me in my happiness...But you are wrong, just because I am happy does not mean I cannot understand one's pain. I, too, have had my times in life where there was loneliness, unsure, darkness, depression, being lost. I have had my hard times. Life isn't all peaches and cream all of the time.You are welcome for the flowers. I have had some really hard times in the past-- If you never taste the bitterness of life, you will never fully know the sweet. These hard times for you shall pass, as must all things with time. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I am here, to lend an ear, a shoulder, a hand. In fact, the hard times of my life are the times that I give the most credit to as far as my poetry and other accomplishments, for that is what gave me the most inspiration and experience and knowledge and STRENGTH. It is true what they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...(That is if you know how to put it to use, make it into a positive.) So, instead of thinking of these hard times as punishment or never-ending, learn from it. These experiences may make you into a better person and you will grow from it. I'm not sure what your situation may be and it very well may be worse than I might think, but I have found that the best way to handle things making you unhappy is this: Change what you have the ability to change and accept what you cannot change. Everything has it's way, It's Allah's will-no matter how hard you try, if Allah doesn't will it, you can't change it. There are things you may know know why they happen, but Allah knows why they happen-leave that part to him, and you'll have less stress. I have found that it most of all is my faith in Allah that has kept me going through rough times. For I know Allah has a plan, and Allah will most surely take care of me. This is the secret of my happiness. I leave all things that I cannot change in the hands of Allah. I pray to him for the good and trust that He will take care of the bad. I hope that this has helped you some in your time of unhappiness. And remember, just because I am happy, doesn't mean that I won't understand. I have the ability to put myself in another's shoes. I have a high threshold of understanding and sympathy, so if you ever feel the need to talk, I am here for you. Allah bless. Take care. TTYL. I shall make dua for you. Leave it to Allah, for all things come from Him...
"Mishti Meye"Thirsty
- 17 years, 26 days ago
Don't obsess over people from your past, there's a good reason why they didn't make it to your present.
"Mishti Meye"Thirsty
- 17 years, 29 days ago
Wow, you watch a lot of anime, don't you? Well, I like your profile, newayz! One should never give up hope or love. To give up on hope and love is to live without hope and love and to live without hope or love is to not live at all...
You have been given flowers.
"Mishti Meye"Thirsty
- 17 years, 29 days ago
"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly." -- Langston Hughes
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. Mark Twain