Not even on the happiest of days could the smiles of strangers bring out the sun for something better. As city lights shine brightly upon the darkend faces of anything strange to this world and anything in it. Everything so perfect, it was ingenious.
I never once met someone without a flaw. The words seemed so right when they rolled off his tongue. It was symbolic of me to laugh and hide my face and the such faces I made; But his words of wisdom had stuck with me, like a scent that long lingers in a room after the main source has left, it would soon be forgotten.
As the faces of people I once knew faded with the wind, I had promised i'd never care like I once had. To pass "complete strangers" I once knew, upon hallways and hallways of people that know you on a first name basis. You cant help but wonder what they do behind closed doors.
My mind goes back to the theory on how everyone is connected through atleast one person they know. I wondered how often I had seen him on a daily basis, how many words we had actually exchanged. His words alone were enough to take me out of the strongest of dazes.
What was it about this boy that couldnt keep me from thinking about him day in, and day out. I longed for conversation and wanted to escape from reality. The things he promised seemed only to be acomplised in a dream but, my mind had tricked me into believing it was real.
Unknown "Miss Bree" Frisky
- 17 years, 23 days ago