No I'm not, but I'll start.
I'll start off with...mmm Beer. :)
You have been fed pet beer.
- 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
My holidays were really well thank you! Hunter got spoiled of course lol. He now has a tent that he sleeps in all the time. It is really cute. Getting him ready for the outdoors young lol.
New Years I spent at home with Hunter. I cannot drink as I am about 5 months pregnant. But I had movies and my family came by... it was nice.
Hope that yours were well!!
- 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
lol o yea...
and osmeone stole you from me. grr. time tog et you back, haha.
Hey Justin, what's up?! Getting all your Christmas shopping done?! Not me! Haha. Anyways, I could really use to talk to you. So when you have time....let me know. K. :p:)
Well Christmas is done, just have to pick up the last things on the 23. I got my sons pictures done so we can put them in frames that he has decorated! Right now I am full time at subway while i work on schooling!